I take a sit on a pillow on the floor and close my eyes.

"Because chosen are considered extensions of past gods and goddesses we share this connection. This unbreakable bond to them than can be accessed. First, relax,"

I relax my shoulders, slowly letting them unwind.

"Then, you need to feel. Feel every fiber of every part of your body. Notice your breathing pattern. Open yo-"

I don't need him to guide me to a place of peace. All I've had was myself for the past eight years. The only place I've ever found peace was within myself. I've always known what it feels like to connect to your own body. Becoming one with myself became my comfort on many cold nights. The more I slipped into a meditative state the more faded out Jahir's voice became. I felt like I could feel the blood rush through my veins and hear my heartbeat as if it was right by my ear. The more I relaxed the more I could feel a pull on my mind, the more I could feel that my body was no longer just mine.

There you are
Standing in all your glory
Moonlight shines on you
Making you seem ethereal
You held out your hand
I took it curious to follow you on a new journey
Your power envelops me
Inviting me in
It doesn't take long for me to see you
For me to look into your eyes
Study them
But the longer I stare the more you look just like me

"Oshun. I embody the goddess Oshun."

I open my eyes to Jahir staring at me, his brows knitted in confusion.

"Oshun? Are you sure?"

"Yes, Oshun. Why, is something wrong?"

Breaking eye contact with me Jahir starts to walk towards the door, "Excuse me for a second."

I stand to my feet as he leaves the room and walks over to one of the large windows that line the room. The fact that I was chosen feels surreal but It hasn't settled in yet. Am I supposed to express more gratitude? All my life I've wanted to be recognized, put in this position of power but now that I have it I don't know what to do with it.

My nervousness was only heightened when Jahir walked out of the room. Looking into the eyes of someone ethereal was almost surreal. My confusion heightened once I saw eyes that looked like mine. I knew who I was, but I just can't feel who I am.

All I wanted to do at this moment was go home. It's not much but it's enough. Over time I've grown accustomed to the comfort it gave me. I turned an old abandoned shack into my home. It piqued my interest because it wasn't too close to the city. Even after all these years I still couldn't get used to the pace of it all.

"Akeelah, I have to ask you a question."

I turn around, Jahir now stands in front of me. I guess I didn't hear the door open.


The more I stood there, the more I grow irritated. All I really wanted to do was go home. I wanted to get away from Jahir and Anubis. Too much was happening in one day for me to properly process it all.

"Are you of royal descent?"

"What? No."

"Then how do you embody Oshun?"

Confusion riddles my thoughts, "I'm confused."

"You're the Queen, Akeelah."


A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a couple of weeks.
I have moved and with everything going on I really needed a break.
I would like to say to all the people protesting and everyone apart
of this black lives matter movement, thank you, and stay safe!

Also, how do you think Akeelah will adjust to this new information?

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