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I feel like I've lost my mind. The past day has been filled with confusion. I could feel my self changing, morphing.

The feeling is foreign like something is crawling into my skin. Embedding itself into me. I didn't want to tell Anubis of my troubles. I can't look him in the eyes without feeling a twinge of pain. I hated feeling like I had caused him to hurt simply for not wanting the same things. I miss having a friend; someone to laugh with, someone to tell my secrets.
I missed having someone.

I feel that familiar feeling creeps through me. Taunting me with the thought of it ever being gone. I felt alone. I felt like fire was filling my lungs.

It was hot. I felt sticky.

I sigh as I walk behind Jahir to wherever he plans on taking me. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about officially facing him. The thought of seeing a sly smirk spread across his face as he realizes I'm the only surviving villager of an attack that his father planned.
He might even be satisfied with the fact that I still suffer.

I should've known that I wouldn't be able to see through him with one conversation but I wanted to try. At that moment I realize it was going to take more than just conversation filled with sly remarks were going to get him to let his guard down.

Even if it takes years of meaningless conversations I will find a way for him to experience the pain I felt when everything around me burned to ashes. I have nothing left he needs to know just how much his kind took from me.

I stop as his movements come to a halt. I looked around trying to study my surroundings. The walls were lined with various murals. The gold specks shined in response to the sunlight beaming through the large windows.

"When were you chosen?"
I can feel his eyes on me as I look around the room but I continue trying to act as if I didn't notice.

"Last night."

"Have you experienced any vision-like moments or hallucinations?"

"Sort of. I couldn't make sense of it though." Jahir's gaze lingers as my words fall from my lips. I would be lying if I said it wasn't somewhat intimidating. I know if I look in his eyes I would feel the heat of his gaze and I won't have the strength to keep a brave face.

I continue to look around the room as Jahir fumbled with something in the corner. I reach out to the wall and trace the detailed pictures that decorated it.



"I need you to participate in a ritual." His face softens as he continues, "Being a chosen is a great honor and privilege but nobody tells you the mental strain that comes with it. You have to enter your dreamscape and communicate with the goddess who you've become an extension of. "

"Mental strain?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

He nods, "At first, I was plagued with the memories of the chosen before me. I saw all the things he did with his power and how he manipulated it for his own use. You probably won't experience that exactly but something might happen."

"I understand. How do I exactly enter my dreamscape?"

"Sit and let my voice guide you. It's difficult to do it the first few times alone."

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