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Hermione sits, she's waiting for Harry to come back. Ron went inside a few minutes before. She thumbs through the paperwork in the folder once more. She looks at her birth certificate. She looks at her name, her real name. "Samantha Elizabeth Swan. Merlin, how strange." She mumbles to herself.

Harry comes out with Kingsley behind him and they walk to her. She pushes one of her curls behind her ear and reads the paper again. "Hermione?" She looks up and smiles at them. It's a sad smile. "Well apparently that's not my name." Harry sits next to her and Kingsley looks at the two of them. They look like siblings sometimes.

He blinks. "Hermione, May I see your papers?" She nods and hands him the folder. She puts her head on Harry's shoulder. Kingsley looks though them. "Do you prefer Hermione or Samantha?" He looks at her. "I'd like to be Hermione to the Wizarding world still. I'll be Samantha in the Muggle world." He nods. "Well Hermione, give me a week and I shall see what I can find. Would you like to meet them, if I can?" She looks at Harry with her big doe eyes. "Mione, it's up to you. I'll be with you every step of the way." She nods and smiles. "Yes, I think I would Kingsley." He nods. "Okay then. Same place, next week.May I take these with me, Hermione?" She nods at him and he disapparates.

"Harry, what about your life here? You can't just leave." He sighs. " Hermione, I've been stuck here my whole life. One last adventure with you and I'll come back eventually." "What about you and Ginny?" He looks at the woman next to him. "I love her, just not the way she loves me. I need a clean break from this all. So wherever you go, I'll follow. You're my sister, Sam. I won't abandon you when you need me the most." She smiles at his use of her real name,

The week flies by. Harry helps her pack up the house and she gets a realtor to sell it. Between her parents life insurance, the house sale once it goes through and Harry's inheritance, they'll be set for the rest of their long lives.

Kingsley comes to the Burrow with a smile on his face. He greets everyone and looks for Hermione and Harry. Ron tells him. "They're outside on the bench, Minister." He nods his head and walks outside to them. Hermione and Harry both jump up when they see him. "Kingsley! How'd it go?" Hermione asks quickly. "Well I found your parents. They are divorced. You have a younger sister. Her name is Isabella Marie. Now, there's some bad news."

Hermione's face drops. "What's wrong?" "Your sister dated a vegetarian vampire that lived in the area with his coven. He dumped her and she spiraled for a bit. It's believed he told her that she was his mate. He let her meet the rest of the coven as well. They are what is known as the Cold Ones. They are not like the ones that fought against us in the war. The head of the coven is Carlisle Cullen. His mate is Esme. They have multiple others in the coven. Alice, Jasper and Edward all have extra powers. Alice can see the future, Jasper can sense and manipulate emotions and Edward is the mind-reader. Your sister dated Edward." He rubbed his temples.

"And?" Hermione's foot starts tapping, impatiently. "There's also a tribe of shape-shifting wolves nearby. Your father seems to be friends with some of the elders. Your godfather is an Elder of tribe. His name is Billy Black. He has three kids. Two girls and a boy. The boy, Jacob can shift."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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