Biological family

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Hermione went to what had been her parents home a week after the war ended. She planned to sell the house. Without her parents in it , it felt empty and lonely much like her. Deatheaters had found her parents and slaughtered them in Australia, shortly after they moved there. Harry and the Weasley's knew.

She started going through boxes in the attic. She opened one. It had a bunch of her baby stuff in it. She smiled. Her mum had kept anything and everything pertaining to her. She was the only child as her mum couldn't have more after her birth.

Gradually, she emptied the box out and she found a folder buried at the bottom. She opened it, thinking maybe it was drawings she had done when she was little. Oh how wrong she was....

The folder had what was adoption papers along with her birth certificate. Her name wasn't even her name! Hermione Jean Granger had been born Samantha Elizabeth Swan. Her biological parents were Charles and Renee Swan. However, it looked like Renee had been the one to put her up for adoption not Charles.

Did Charles Swan even know what had happened to her? Had he cared? Did she have siblings? Where did they live? The thoughts swam in her head. She needed Harry. Harry was her brother. He'd help her! She apparated to the Burrow in the hopes that he was there with the folder clenched in her hands. She wasn't aware that she had even started to cry.

Once she landed, she looked around. "Hermione! You're back! Good good. Harry is outside with Ron." Molly told her when she found her in the kitchen. Hermione kissed her cheek as a thank you and ran out.

"Harry!" He turned to her and saw her bloodshot eyes. He rushed over to her with Ron right behind him. "What's wrong? What happened? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" He asked her in a rush. Hermione wasn't a crier. He had seen her cry very few times in the almost eight years they'd known each other. He opened his arms to her and she ran into them. He guided them over to a bench and sat down on it.

Once she caught her breath and stopped crying, she told him and Ron everything. Harry just let her speak. "We could go to Gringotts? Granted they won't be happy with us..." Ron mentioned. "What about Kingsley? He could help us. Besides I need to talk to him anyway." Harry thought out loud. Hermione sniffled. "That's probably the better idea. Gringotts won't be pleased to see us for quite some time. As long as he has time, why not?" Hermione replied. Harry kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back." He left the two others alone.

"Ron?" She turned to look at him. "Yeah?" He replied. "Can we talk about what happened in the Chamber?" She looked at his eyes, searching for something and not finding it. He nodded. "I've been thinking about it a lot. I don't think we'd be a good couple. I think we're better as friends." He sighs. "Thank Merlin, you said it. I was thinking that too." They laugh at each other and smile.

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