Chapter Thirty-Two.

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Chapter Thirty-Two:

Eli's suit jacket wraps around my shoulder as I pull tighter, trying to escape the crisp air as we sit on the steps of the back of the town hall. I had managed to calm Eli, and found the kitchen which the staff had let us through so that we could escape from the back door and into the private carpark.

So here we are, sitting silently in the dark with only one streetlight to indicate out presence. The muffled sound of the orchestra playing fills the silence, as well as the clinking and bustling work in the kitchen. Eli and I are sitting on the hard concrete behind the catering van, away from all of it.

Then he moves over to me and leans his head on my shoulder with a sigh. "I'm sorry for crying like that, it was pathetic."

"It wasn't pathetic Eli." I tell him truthfully. "You're only human. It happens."

Eli smiles even through it's strained and sad. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say a word, you don't owe me an explanation. We could just sit here all night in silence and that's okay." I say and he breathes in relief but forces himself away from me so that he can speak.

"Alex." Eli calls. "Maybe I should tell you. This could be practice."

I don't say anything and turn to face him. "This is your moment Eli, if you need to do this then feel free. But don't do it because you feel like you need to explain this to me, I shouldn't have been hovering around like a lost child."

"It's not your fault, and I'm kind of glad you caught me out and not someone else." Duke, I'm guessing or maybe his parents. Honestly it could be anyone in this auction but it was me. "I think this will help, saying it out loud I guess."

"Only if it helps you." I say supportively.

"Well." He pauses. "I'm bisexual."

Then I hit him with the biggest smile I could muster up and reach in to give him a huge hug, which I'm hoping is comforting since hugging isn't really in my blood. He hugs me back with a breath of relief and a small laugh bubbles out from his own mouth.

"Shit that was scary." Eli confesses.

I take a shuffle back holding onto his shoulders. "I wish I could say I knew how you were feeling but I'd be lying, I can only assume how scared you would've felt when I saw you.  You're so brave Eli. Believe that. Plus I don't judge, you can fuck whoever the hell you want, it's no ones business but yours."

"I haven't told him yet." Eli mutters. "I know I should but I'm just–I don't fucking know."

"He's your best friend Eli." I tell him. "You know Duke wouldn't just drop your lifelong friendship because of your sexuality. He's always going to support you and if he doesn't than he's more of an arsehole than I imagined."

I release his shoulder and close my eyes calming my voice at the thought of Duke discarding his friendship because his friend likes guys. "You're incredible Eli, and whatever mind boggling scenario that you have about Duke, erase it. He's always going to be there for you, he's going to support you because that's who he is. He's kind and caring, and he values the people he loves more than anything...but if I'm wrong let me know and I'll beat some sense into him."

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