♡ Fourth ♤

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It's been a long time since I came in this palace. All the guests wearing their best dresses and suits with their matching masks. We walked inside and met dad at the gates , I hugged him before I go in the palace. As always the palace is full of elegance in every corner and the palace is much more brighter than usual.

I was busy checking out the palace when someone caught my attention and It's been a while since I saw him and his blue eyes. Even just his eyes I know that's him. I continued walking going to the main hall when somebody held my arm.

" Oh my gosh Charlotte?! " I looked back and it was Annie " Annie?! Oh my gosh! " We hugged and jump a little despite of our heels. " Long time no see Gosh! " after that we went straight to the main hall and get a seat. After a few minutes the big doors opened and revealed the royal siblings. Princess Amber was in between the two princes.

And for a second our eyes met. Until they reached the platform he was looking at my suspicious pair of orbs. And at that moment I can feel that he knew who I was behind this mask. He finished our so called staring contest and sat near Amber. The party continued and It was time to open the dance floor. Annie stand up and dance but I'm still sitting and sipping my wine.

Then after the first song a man came up to me offering his hand. " May I? " I looked at his hand and looked straight at him I can't see through coz the lights are dim. " No " I said and continued sipping my wine.

" C'mon charlotte " I almost choke at that and looked straight at the man or the prince rather.

" I-I'm not charlotte " I said not looking at his way , I heard him chuckled and crossed his arms in front of his chest. " Oh c'mon you can't fool me , It's just me Adam " I gulped and faced him. I stared at his blue enchanting orbs. " So are we gonna dance? " I slowly stand up and held his hand.

We took the dance floor and I'm avoiding his gaze , 'cause somewhat I feel awkward. " Look at me " he said in a low tone and I looked at him straight to his deep blue orbs. " Why did you run away? " I didn't expect that question and I kept silent. " You made me worried you know " he said and looked straight at me. I stopped dancing but he held my waist to make me more close to him.

" Tell me why " he said but I pushed him and looked down a bit. " I-- " as I was speaking I was cut off when a spotlight light on me. " Well well , what do we have here-- " Amber was walking to my spot when she take off my mask revealing my face.

" I knew it was you " then she grinned at me with a devilish plan in her eyes. So I decided to walk past her but she pulled my left arm. " Don't go sweetie , the shows isn't over yet " she said grinning wider . " Amber " Adam said but Amber shushed him. " Aww your knight in shining armor coming to save you? Hmm let's see " she looked at me from bottom to top with disgust.

" Yeah it's still you Cheap as ever " she said and the crowd laughed at her statement and I was embarrassed , I kept me head hung low. I was going to walkout when she pulled me again. " Oh wait , I'm just getting started sweetie. " She said walking near a table beside me and " Done " the crowd laughed and I can't help but to ran away dripping with pasta sauce.

As I ran my tears can't help but to fall down and when I reached the garden I sat there and cried. I don't know why is she liked that especially to me , what did I done to her? what did I do? I knew I shouldn't came in this kind of stupid event. I shouldn't came back here. How I wish I can bring my parents back to Washington but I don't have the money.

I shouted and cried again , I need to let this feeling out of me and I'm smelling pasta sauce. I feel anger , disappointment and regret. I hate it.

" Need help? " I looked up and it was Augustus. He was offering a towel to wipe of atleast the sauce. " Thank you " I said and wiped the sauce myself but he snatched the towel and he wiped it for me. Such a gentleman. When he was done he offered me water. " Thanks " is all I can say and we sat on the bench.

It was silent. silent as night. " I'm sorry behalf of my sister's attitude " he said looking at me. " That's fine...I-I just don't know why is she like that to me? " I said looking up not letting my tears build up again. " I-I...don't know , I'm sorry " he said looking at the night sky. " You don't have to be sorry , you've done nothing wrong " I said standing up and going to leave when I saw Adam running to my way.

" T-there you a-are " he said in between breaths. I guessed he ran. Then I noticed he looked a bit shocked seeing his brother then I noticed he was holding a same towel. " I--Let's go charlotte " he didn't finish that 'I' and pulled me with him but I pulled away. " What are you doing? I can go by myself " I said looking back at Augustus " Goodbye Augustus and thank you , see you whenever I see you " I said and looked at Adam.

" Bye " I said and leave the scene. I went straight to the bathroom and washed myself. After that I looked at myself at the mirror. " Look at you , all helpless and weak " I wiped a tear and went straight to my room and get change. I'm only gonna stay here for two weeks then I'm going back to Washington to apply for college.

I lied on my bed and looked at the ceiling. remembering the scenes earlier made me stressed out and I don't know, things happen so fast. And I'm still thinking why adam is acting like that, or maybe I'm just assuming things. I sighed closing my eyes.

MAATHBP ( Book 1 Of Lover Series )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu