♡ Third ♤

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So I decided that I should keep the friendship with Prince Adam. We became almost total best buds for years but I can't help but to bend , I'm falling and I can't stop this stupid feelings. He deserves a sophisticated princess not a damsel in distress. I sat near the fountain of trafalgar square while one palm on my chin. Well how many years? It's four years for four years I had a crush on him. Who doesn't ? he is charming , educated , kind , elegant and has humor , he has everything! and I have a plan confessing now.

" Let's go? " I looked up and saw my prince , oh did I said that? yeah I said that. He is wearing casual clothes and a mask. So the only thing I can see is his Blonde locks and blue orbs. I nodded and we walked. We soon arrived at st. james park. It's been a while since I came here and since that day I don't like the aura I feel in here.

" Charlotte uhm what do you wanna do? chess? croquet? " he suggested and I do love to play that but I'm not in the mood. " hmm what about... " I walked to him and " tag your it! " then I ran across the large park smiling. " Hey! I'm gonna catch you! "

We ran in circles until he caught me. " Got you! " I smiled and so does he , when a voice interrupted us. " uhm excuse me? " It's Amber , and then she looked at Adam " brother mom wants you in and It's almost dinner to so " she looked at me " won't you mind? " I nodded.

" Yes Amber I'll follow " he answered " you should " she said and walked away. I remembered my plan to confess to him. " u-uhm A-adam " I said stuttering. " yes? do you have anything to say? "

he said facing me " u-uhm nothing , y-you go follow amber " I said backing out of my plan.

" Is it really? " he said and raised a brow while folding his arms infront of his chest. " y-yeah it's nothing " I said looking away. " You know you can't fool me charlotte , now tell me " I inhaled and exhaled deeply and held my skirt tight into a fist.

" I-I--" I stuttered my heart beating so fast " I-like you " I said and closed my eyes tight. I heard him sigh and he stepped forward and held up my chin so I'm staring into his deep blue eyes. He smiled and gave me a good feeling. " You know charlotte I appreciate that admiration of yours , but you know we are not at the age for that? but still thanks , I hope nothing change after this right? I'll get going " then I watched him walk away.

" Well well I didn't know you're such a gold digger too? hitting on my brother? " A voice then came behind me and It was amber " H-how did you " I asked pointing at her " yeah you guys didn't notice me because of your little drama but I just hid somewhere and yeah I saw how my little bro rejected you " then she chuckled and looked at me again " well I'm proud , he has 'taste' poor girl " then she walked across me leaving me there in the middle of that field.

And that was my first heartbreak from that prince.

-Five years later-

" Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London Heathrow Airport . Local time 22:06 and the temperature is sixteen celsius " the flight attendant announced and I'm busy double checking my things and stuffs.

" On behalf of American Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice evening! " the flight attendant's final announcement and the passengers are getting out of the plane.

After I get off the plane I'm feeling jet lag because of that eleven hour flight from my hometown Washington DC to London. I already missed my cousins and my grandparents , I came back here because of my mom and my dad that is still a palace guard. I'm just taking a break before I go to college in Washington , I just missed my parents.

I hailed a cab and drove off to our old house. seeing the London streets and the Trafalgar Square is making me nostalgic , well I spent my twelve years of existence in this place and my childhood memories are here , in this place.

Not long after , I arrived at our home and knocked three consecutive times. I waited and the door opened revealing my mom. " mom " I said and hugged her " I missed you so much " I said.

" I missed you too honey , now let's go inside It's cold and It's getting dark " I nodded and went inside. " Where's dad? " I asked taking off my coat. " sleeping , he is tired after all , I suggest that you surprise him tomorrow morning " I nodded taking off my shoes " So I'm going to sleep mom , goodnight " I said and kissed her on the cheek.

I went upstairs and opened my room. Nothing changed and It made me recall the past. I sighed while looking around my room. " I missed this room " I said and hugged one of my pillows and lied on my bed.

The rays of the sun pierce through my window curtain that made me awake. I yawned and I remembered that I'm gonna surprise dad. I looked at my phone and It's already pass seven am , dad is probably at the palace right now. So I decided to take a walk across the town after eating my breakfast.

I walked and have a little tour until I walked by the palace. I remembered It's saturday so they are probably at Windsor Castle. I shrugged my shoulders and continue walking until I came back home. All I did was help my mom cook for dinner for the surprise and clean the house.

It was six pm when the door opened and revealed my dad. " Dad! " I said running with open arms hugging him tightly. " Oh my little princess is a beautiful lady now! " he hugged me and mom joined soon after. " Now can we eat? dad is hungry " we looked at each other then laughed. we happily ate and watched a movie but dad slept early for he has duty tomorrow.

I woke up by my mom going inside my room. " Charlotte wake up " I yawned and sit on the bed , my eyes closed. " Today is Princess Amber's debut and the royal family Invited some guests " I opened my eyes and curiously asked " Are we one of the guests? " mom faced me and sat on the bed.

" Yes , because the royal family invited the guard's and their worker's family. and oh the theme is masquerade so we gotta find gowns and masks before seven " I nodded " Alright ". Me and my mom went busy visiting boutiques that may be selling gowns and It was quarter to six when we got home with our gowns and masks.

" Are you ready honey? " my mom opened my bedroom door slightly and I nod a little fixing my earrings. She came in and bend forward beside me so our faces a little close. " Aww my little girl is now a beautiful princess " she cooed. " Mom " i said standing up , I held her hands and we shared a hug.

MAATHBP ( Book 1 Of Lover Series )Where stories live. Discover now