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Corey black

I killed the engine of my cream white Mercedes Benz CLA coupé, resting my back against the seat both hands gripping my steering wheel letting out a exasperated sigh. I had been fighting back a flood of tears for the last 25 minutes following the funeral procession to the burial grounds. No matter how many times I've blinked trying to wake up from this horrible fucking nightmare it was dawning on me more and more that this was my reality now. I hadn't been to sleep in almost 2 weeks and I was honestly tired of everyone and everything. Call me fucked up but I was hoping that this tragic ending would be the start of some well needed healing for me.

Peering over at the burial through my blacked out Versace shades and tinted windows, I watched the family gather around for one last prayer and their final goodbyes. My lawyer told me I had to lay low because the funeral was private and I would be in some deep shit if I showed my face here especially since the investigation is currently active.

My mind kept drifting back to better times when my life felt like a fairytale. I guess I was still trying to put together the pieces of broken memories and make sense of how shit got to this point but it was no use.

My cold heart seemed to have warmed a little when I caught myself smiling remembering the first time I laid eyes on key, well the first time he laid eyes on me I should say. We met 4 years ago at a Young Dolph concert at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, Georgia a few blocks from where I used to live.

My bestfriend Kya lived in Houston, Texas at the time but she flew out to Atlanta that weekend to visit me. She wanted to turn up and party, you know hit all of the popping club scenes trying to snatch up her a ballin ass nigga. I had to dead that idea because most of the clubs in Atlanta were full of cornball niggas and fake boujee bitches so I really didn't want to go out hell I would've settled for some dominoes pizza and netflix. Kya's ole I don't want to sit in the house tonight ass asked her twitter what Atlanta had popping for the night and sure enough a promoter hit her dm saying that there were still some tickets left for Young Dolph's concert. I really didn't want to go and it was so last minute we had to buy tickets at the door, no VIP just regular floor tickets. I remember that night like it was yesterday.


"Kya why would you want to be in this crowded ass place!? The bitches in here are tired, musty ass groupies with matted wigs and the niggas are dusty as hell I mean what the fuck!?" I ranted stank facing innocent by standers tucking my chin into my shoulder to keep from brushing into people in the crowd. "We packed in this muthafucka like sardines hell naw,-"

"Skkrrt." Kya put her hand up to my mouth cutting me off mid sentence snapping her head in the direction behind me. "Uh bitch peep that fine ass nigga in the VIP section staring at you. Ain't he Young Dolph's cousin or some shit?"

I turned around squinting up at the VIP section making direct eye contact with the devil him damn self. This was that dangerous eye contact that meek mill was talking about. He was fine, finer than any nigga I had seen in this muthafucka. His smooth brown skin put me in the mind of homemade caramel and those lips were juicy and pink even from where I was standing. I was in a trance watching his lips move being hypnotized by the vvs diamonds gleaming under the flashes of bitches cell phones. I guess he noticed that I was staring too long so he pulled his diamond cartier glasses down the bridge of his nose winking his eye at me.

Kya flipped her shit screaming and nudging me but I was still stuck as fuck eyeing his fine ass down. He pointed at me from the stage smiling tapping his homie standing to his left.

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