Let's Figure Something Out

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He opens his eyes again, but is not in his bookshop anymore. Crowley licks the air, observing his surroundings and slithers down to the ground. He reforms back to human state and sighs.

Rain drizzles down on the two celestial beings as they stare at the nearby lit hotel. Moments pass. Aziraphale's lips pursed and closes his eyes. "Explain." Crowley stumbles his words. "Ngk.. erm.. Well, obviously angel, they know now, both sides! 'Bout our little switch then." Crowley flails his arms in annoyance. "Yes, but how could they know?" We were very discreet!" Crowley shrugs with a very confused glance. "Unless you somehow managed to slip it up!" Aziraphale pokes at Crowley's chest with his stubby finger, raising his voice. "What the heaven!? Do you really think I'd tell anyone?" The demon raised his eyesbrows so far up in distraught, Aziraphale had to believe him. "I'm sorry. I.." He deeply exhales as if they'd ran a marathon. "I'm just very frightened, I suppose." Crowley shakes his head, pouting his lips. "Let's get home and figure som'fin out." He looks away and stretches a long lanky arm out toward Aziraphale. Their hands meet gently and slowly collide, linking fingers together. Crowley clears his throat and straightens his posture, trying to appear macho. Aziraphale notices, flushing red and looks away with a slight smirk. Miraculously an umbrella appears in Aziraphale's hand to shield the already damp entities. Both avoid eye contact while walking, for what seems about a couple minutes. They then dissapear into the humid darkness, together.

As morning caved in onto the cottage of which the two lived, sunlight curtained the wall of which Crowley slept on. Rays of light bounced off his black silk pajamas. He groans, squinting his eyes at the window. "It was a dream. All a dream." He thought to himself in relief. "We're leaving." A suitcase is handed to Crowley. "Take only necessary items, perhaps we should take snacks too. Oh, I do hope they don't know where we live as well." Crowley rolls his eyes to realization it was, in fact, all real. He negligently slides down the wall, face still against it. "Pip, pip!" Aziraphale pats his head, carrying on packing. Crowley slaps the air missing Aziraphale.

"This is the plan, then? Just be on the run?" Crowley adjusts his coat, sitting on the floral bed in the master bedroom. His eyes follow Aziraphale thats now pacing. "Well it's the only thing I can think of at the moment. Plus.." Aziraphale scratches his head with uncertainty.  "We could use a vacation." He says quietly. Crowley raises his eyebrows and nods in somewhat agreement. "Well c'mon, dear boy, it's time we see the world a bit more as humans." Crowley raises his hands up. "Alright, alright." Aziraphale grins and takes his hand to help him up. "It could be fun!" His blue eyes glistened with excitement in way that made Crowley smile warmly. "Yes, but we are in trouble too. Don't forget that angel." Aziraphale, oblivious, cheerfully grabs his suit case making his way to the front door.


The couple get off the plane and look around. "I don't suppose you just wanted to come for authentic sushi, Aziraphale?" Aziraphale looks at Crowley, about to speak but looks down. "Don't judge me. There's lovely scenery here too, you know. Also it was for the tempura." Crowley looks on with fanged smile. "Right. Shall we?" They link arms out of the airport.

A tourist who noticed the two put down his map and peered with his black eyes. His blond hair seems very off as if it was loosely sitting on top of his head. He quickly takes out his phone, gritting his rotted teeth. "I think I found 'em." "Watch them closely for now and report back to me of their actions within 48 hours." "Yes, Lord Beelzebub." The tourist hides his face with his map and keeps distance as he follows the angel and demon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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