The Tainted Red Stone

Start from the beginning

"Ah, dear Wang, you definitely will have a hard time with him later. Make sure to train him well, I kind of got too soft on him, my bad." Yunlan said as he summon a huge pool of dense water right over Qing's platform.

"Worry not my Lord, I will take that responsibility from you, he is actually not a bad healer at all, just a bad fighter." Wang added.

"My Wang, please don't said that..." Sang said a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry Sang, that you are... okay, down we go... but first..." Zhao turned to hug and give Shen Wei a slight kiss in the lips. "For good luck..." Yunlan joked, just before he jumped several meters down, falling harmlessly over the water shield he had created, who caught him and then release him over the earth platform, completely dry. Chu looked at Guo, probably with the intention to kiss him too, but Guo was a mess of blush and his hair was beginning to shine deep white.

"Hey, forget it old Chu, he will blind us all if you try to kiss him now. Let's just jump down, we are wasting time here." Da Qing said as he took Zhu's hand and jumped down along with her, then the rest follow their example one by one. After they were all down, Zhao transformed the water into several small dragons.

"These dragons will help with the tentacles in case we are caught off guard or we had no way to avoid them. The thick water they are created will keep the dark liquid away from the skin, avoiding the burn for a minute of two. Try to get out as soon as possible, because after that, you will risk to be burned alive and we all know how badly that was...." Yunlan said and a dozen or so dragons came to him, trespassing his clothes and pasting to his skin, like a second one, then the others stood still, so their dragons could create a protective layer over the exposed and clothed skin.

"They feel quite cold..." Wang said, shuddering a bit.

"That's because our inner fire, our skin is hotter than others." Shen Wei said as he looked down to the mass of unmoving tentacles below.

"Ah, my Prince, that so true... I know it best." Yunlan joked, yet seen his Prince frown as he looked down, not blush or yell at him in embarrassment, he worry and moved to his side, slightly putting a hand on his back to also looking down.

"What is it, Shen Wei?" Yunlan asked and Wei looked at him with concern written all over his handsome face.

"Isn't it too still? That thing should be aware of our presence now, yet is not moving... But it was moving when we first came." The rest moved too, to see down and true enough, the tentacles were still below them. A big number was covering the red stone, as a hand would close over a coin, for example, but the rest were barely moving, even when they had go down to be closer.

"Strange indeed." Chu whisper, however, right at that moment, the mountain shock like on an earthquake and the stone walls broke as black tentacles came out of it to close on them from all sides. Shen Wei reacted barely in time to create a shield, before they could be capture, but the shield was cover in full and the tentacles put pressure on it, releasing the dark liquid.

"Damn it not this time!" Shen Wei yelled as he expanded the shield with a wave of white fire that he also sent out, burning away the tentacles as well as the black liquid.

Then, more tentacles came from below, trying to break the earth platform Qing created, but Da put his hand over the surface and sent down hundreds of earth spikes. Wang used lighting at the border, powerful ones that destroyed a lot of tentacles, but didn't reached too far down to cause the stone any damage.

"Keep it up Wang, for as long as you can from different sides. Chu make your strongest net, a sphere that covers all of Wei's shield and anchor it as much as you can. Lin, sent down cutting winds, Zhu, paralyzing powder if you still had some, Sang ice spike, Wei, white fire arrows." Yunlan commanded, as he sent down beams of light, yet no matter how much he try to aim to the very center, his attacks and that of the others were redirected away from the core.

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