The Dangerous False Sky

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Special Celebration Part Two


They reached the land of high picks by middle day when the territory of the Furies suddenly ended with a deep cliff and the nearest pick was several meters away into the sea of clouds and hundreds of picks as far as the eye could see. Zhao looked at the horizon with apprehension, wondering what will happen between those picks. The Oracle was in fact a god, which meant that his warning had even more meaning now.

"Yunlan?" Shen Wei asked when seen him frown in worry.

"Shen Wei, there is a huge beast deep down that false sky. Da Qing... can you picture it? See how far can it reach?" Zhao asked the Earth Prince who closed his eyes, as he touched the stone. It took him a while to feel the massive thing over the ground at the very end of the high picks and when he open his eyes again, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"To be honest, it's too big for me too sense it in full, but it covers pretty much as far as we can see..." They all looked at the beautiful, yet terrifying sight right in front of them.

"I can summon wind beasts, huge eagles that can safely carry us toward the next territory in the south east." Lin offered.

"No, flying around this picks is even more dangerous than hike them. The thing at the bottom of this place can reach quite high into the sky, so while in the air we will be easy targets." Zhao explained.

"I can create some stone bridges to connect the picks." Da Qing offered next.

"That too will make us easy targets, because the thing is quite sensitive to movements. That's the way it hunts in this forsaken place." Zhao added making the group feel a bit restless, because with the exception of Da Qing and Yunlan, no one else knew what they were going against.

"Then what? How are we going to cross those picks? Most of them are too far away from each other to jump to nearest ones." Wang asked worriedly.

"We still had our thread Master. Can you make us a strong thread bridge?" Chu smiled.

"Damn right. I can even create a wide tunnel if you ask me too." Chu said and Yunlan was glad that he was confident enough in his own ability, because they will need it quite greatly.

"That's good to hear... Lin, we will need the sharpest wind attacks you have at your disposal and a wind shield if possible. The tentacles that this beast has, are like magma to the touch. It will scorch skin in contact and if it holds you for long enough, it will set your body aflame, so be careful with those and avoid contact as much as you can. Take in mind that a fall will be fatal, so if things get ugly, don't rush or panic. It's too late to turn back now, so let's do this as carefully as we can and take care of each other as best as we can. Chu, tide us a shield that engulfed the entire tunnel made with hundreds of threads, reaching the pick.

They repeated the process several times, walking in silence and slowly, wishing for the thing bellow them to never notice their small movements, but after a few more hours of walking  over threads, as most of the group reached the intended next pick, Lin felt a change in the air from bellow.

"Wow, I think is coming up!" Lin yelled and Chu looked at the last two that were still at the end of the barely visible tunnel. It was Guo and a healer from the Earth Clan. It goes without saying that Chu's heart went in frenzy as he saw a red tentacle coming up faster than he thought possible.

"Guo! Run!!!" He yelled as Lin's slicing wind, cut the first tentacle that came close enough to cause real damage. Gou and the earth healer did run the little distance they had left and Chu held Guo for dear life once in their side. Then a second and third vine, came up even faster and Guo, turned to send his sword shield down to intercept several more tentacles. They were lucky that they current pick had a flat part at one side in which they could make a stand.

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