Bonds Of Love

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That night inside the stone, their tired minds and bodies reflected in the calm inside the goddess dimension. Guo, as a cultivator, had offer to make a soul healing ritual, to release the mind of the burdens of their hard journey. So they all sat in a big circle with Shen Wei's fire in the center and closed their eyes while holding the hands of the two sat next to them, as Gou chanted his prayers.

His white magic, passed to them by the holding hands was strong enough to help them meditate deeper than usual, releasing their minds of their heavy burdens. Yunlan held Wei's hand, internally praying for him to let go of the horrifying experiences of the last two days, the same way he wished mind freedom for the rest of their group. If they fall apart, then the Clans will be doomed and they will not have a home to return to, even if they survive the rest of the way.

After the meditation session, they separate to get some deserved rest. Yunlan help Shen Wei to stand up and guide him to their usual spot, a bit further away from the rest. Shen sat over the traveling blanket and lie down by Yunlan, which held him close.

"Are you okay, Shen Wei?" Zhao asked him, while looking at his Prince admiring the stars above them.

"Yes. I know some things will not go as we wish them and we all risk our lives for a purpose. Watching Xue Song be killed in such a way did stroke me hard, but I know we need to keep up, despite our grieving. I am more concern about Zhu and Wang, because the dark magic of the mist had really get to them, more than me." Zhao turned his head to look into the Nuwa's worshipper that was resting by the Earth Prince in the same way they were.

"Zhu has Da Qing. He is taking good care of her, she will be back to normal when she wakes up. Wang... well, my idiot healer had not been of much help to her. She is the one consoling him... I need to train him harder when we come back." Shen smiled.

"Yunlan... about that... what will happen to us all, if we indeed manage to come back in one piece?" Shen asked and Yunlan held his Prince even closer.

"The Clans had their own problems, but working together they will pull through it. So... the Clans will soften a bit about the not mixing rule, because they will owe each other's salvation. I think that the leader of Serpent Clan will not be against Zhu's union with the Earth Prince, especially when there are linked spiritually and that goes for Da Qing's father as well. Wang and Sang can always elope, if she still want him and the same could be said for Chu and Guo. We all know Chu Shuzhi is quite headstrong, so I will not be surprising if he comes to the Sage temple and wrap Guo in his unbreakable web and steal him away right in front of the Elder..." Shen smiled again, imagining such scene.

"It's quite possible... but what about us? Yunlan, my father may object at first, but he will probably give in... your father, thought..."

"He will never accept our union, I know..." Zhao said, kissing Shen's neck. "But you know me, my Wei... I care very little about that. Luckily for me, even if I had to renounce to be the Water Clan's heir, I can still train to be the next Oracle... which will make me the Clan's leader... who will dare to deny you to me then?" Shen blushed deeply and Zhao smiled.

"Of course, if you are too impatient, my handsome lover, as you were last night... I can ask Chu to wrap you too, then it will be my turn to make you mine..." Zhao added and Shen Wei's temperature raised tenfold at the same time his blush increased even more, making Zhao's smile widen.

"Yunlan... about last night... I... I didn't hurt you right?" Shen asked in a whisper. The night before, after all Yunlan's teasing, his passion had finally broke free and he end up impulsively topping Yunlan in their very first love making.

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