It was Halloween

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First of all, I am truly very sorry for not updating frequently! I was very busy during the week, because of crazy homework and late basketball practices. I would probably get home around 7:30pm every day so I had absolutely no time for Wattpad. I also had issues with school drama. Boo... -.- I'll 'try' (no promises c;) to update more. I have been getting sick, because it's cold over here ;_; Give me a hug! I need one! *opens arms*

It's Halloween where I live right now, so I thought this would fit perfectly!



It was Halloween night and you were hanging out with your boyfriend, the red headed emperor. You were sitting on a couch in his living room while you simply watched him play shogi by himself in his chair. You soon got bored and huffed. You soon got an idea in your head.

"Akashi!" You said getting excited by your idea. The red head turned his head and looked at you with a confused expression.

"What is it (Name)?" He asked while turning back to his shogi board. You stood up from the spot you were just sitting at. "Let's go trick-or-treating!" Your inner child came out.

Akashi turned to you with one eye-brow raised. Your eyes were beaming at him. "Absolutely not." You pouted. "Why not?" You said in a whining tone. "I don't do such childish things." You rolled your eyes. You walked over to Akashi with a begging look on your face.

"Please Akashi~" You begged. He sighed. "Fine." You smiled in delight. "I get to pick your costume!" A devilish smirk appeared on your face. A smirk also grew on his face. "Then I get to pick your costume." You smiled not knowing what was going to come at you. "Okay!" You said and went to get his costume.

*10 minutes later...*

"Aka-shi..." A tint of red was creeping on your face as you covered your chest. "Isn't this too much?" You asked getting embarrassed. Akashi picked out an empress costume, but the costume was very revealing. You had picked out an emperor costume thinking it would suit Akashi very much which it did.

He smirked looking satisfied. He opened his arms and embraced you. "Your my empress." He said which made you blush.

"Change of plans, we're not going trick-or-treating, because your my candy tonight." He said and held you bridal style.


Let's just say Akashi had a fun time with his candy that night. C;


You and Kuroko were invited to a Halloween party from the Seirin High Basketball Team. You both had to dress up for the Halloween party. You were figuring what you would dress up as.

"Kuroko!" You called. Immediately he came over to your side. "What should I dress up as?" You asked with a confused look. He already had his costume picked out. He was a dog with little cute dog ears and a tail. He definitely looked like Nigou. He was so adorable.

Kuroko looked around your room. His eyes landed on a headband that had little bear ears on it. He took it and handed it to you. "You can be a bear, because bears are cute like you." You blushed at his cuteness. You took it and put it on.

"How do I look?" You asked your boyfriend. "You look very cute, (Name)." You saw a blush creep on his face. You giggled. "Thanks, Kuroko!" You went and hugged him. "I'm really lucky to have a cute girlfriend as you." Kuroko suddenly said. A blush appeared on your face.

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