Chapter 1.

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Have you ever felt or experienced immortality? Have you ever undergone the feeling that you would be jammed in an immovable position, trapped in the same body when the world around you has changed to such an extent that you no longer access it?

Immortality comes in many different forms, such as warewolves and vampires but even then they come in various categories. Some are treacherous, wild creatures; however some are tame and respectable to the human world.

Lola Smith was not an immortal that others had to be afraid of, it was the complete reverse. Her friends, family and people in general felt very at ease with Lola, she was quick to share a smile, a very contagious one at that. Living in the human world was not problematic for Lola as she was a warevamp (a warevamp is a breed of half vampire and half warewolf) who had not yet transformed. This means that she had not yet experienced what it was like to be in her other identity, but it was quite frustrating to be that one person, who still remained human whilst everybody else she new had scuttled off into the forest whenever a full or blue moon had arisen.

In the comforts of her bedroom, Lola stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes narrowed at her reflection, trying to see whether it was obvious to unsuspecting humans about what she was like inside. The answer was a definite no. Nobody would be able to guess from the outside that Lola was from a tribe of immortals. Lola had been so good an actress that not even her two closest human friends Mason and Zoey doubted her. She wanted to tell her friends but sadly it was the law of her tribe and every other immortal not to expose their identities to humans, and Lola, whether she liked it or not had to act upon that law. But it was becoming tiresome for her to keep up the performance that she had built upon since the beginning. To Mason and Zoey, she was a normal person like them but in reality there was a lot more to her. A whole lot more.

Her school uniform looked ordinary on Lola; her green tie was slung around her neck, her hair a loose french braid. She looked calm, casual and collected but inside she was filled with nerves. It would be her first day of Grade Ten; she would soon be turning seventeen. It was a trademark of any warewolf or vampire or in her perspective, a warevamp, to perform the native speech infront of her whole nation (another thing which implied Lola to feel nervous about this year) It was a year of new beginnings and in Lola's case; a lot of dilemma, action and danger.

Slipping on her new black patent shoes, Lola slipped elegantly down the stairs. Well, at least she tried to be elegant. Lola in actual fact was quite clumsy and could not do the simplest things without causing a commotion and that is exactly what happened here. She seemed to have tripped on her own feet halfway down the stairs and ended up rolling down in a disgruntled heap at the bottom. Unfortunately, her brother Luke, who was a warewolf and a year older then her was standing in front of her. Therefore having witnessed Lola's magnificent entrance. He erupted into deep laughter, clutching his stomach. Lola growled.

"Stop laughing" She warned Luke, getting up and heading towards the kitchen.

"That-was-hilarious!" Luke hollered in the hallway, following her. He was still laughing which caused Lola to flick her spoon at him.

"Get the milk, will you?" She ordered Luke, who unexpectedly obliged. Usually Lola would to repeat her order at least five times before deciding that it would waste less time if she would do it herself. Perhaps Luke felt guilty for laughing at Lola; he knew how important this day was to her. You never know with Luke.

They sat down with all the breakfast items needed on the table without any mishaps. Their poor mother was still in bed due to last night's hysterical events. They had worn her out and she needed a decent rest, something which clearly not possible when the two Smith children were around. Their father was at work, he designed wolf laws for a living which earned him a decent amount of wages.

They ate their scrambled eggs quietly and exchanged no words. Not until Luke decided to spray milk on Lola's blouse which earned him quite a hard punch.

"Hey!" Luke excalimed, rubbing his arm, where the punch had been directed.

Lola merely grunted and continued stuffing her face with toast.

"For someone who hasn't even transformed yet, you're quite strong" Luke muttered, absentmindedly complimenting Lola.

Lola had a smug expression plastered on her face. She knew it was true that she could fight really well, not that she needed to do it quite often. She wasn't the type of person that would resort to violence everytime she had a problem and she would never hit anyone, apart from Luke afcourse.

Scraping their chairs back, the pair grabbed their bags and headed out the door, leaving their mother to clean up the mess that they had made. It wasn't that much clutter they had left, just an occasional milk spill here and there. Not to mention some toast crumbs lying in heaps on the table and a piece of egg yolk which had come out of Luke's mouth.

Side by side they strode towards the only route they had towards the town; the forest. The dense forest (as it is hereby named) is an out of bounds territory for humans. A human cannot access it as it is hidden from their limited view. Only warewolves, vampires, trolls, ogres, witches and whatnot can enter and exit the forest.

Lola had only been in the forest once, a memory so terrifying that she would never like to relate it to anyone. The only people who knew about that horrible night were her parents and Luke and they all refused to let her walk in the forest without company.

The dense forest lived up to it's name as the wilderness grew so close together that not even a ray of sunshine could penetrate into it. For a normal human being it would be rather difficult to see, however Luke and Lola were not 'normal human beings'

They sauntered through the forest with ease, until a shadowy figure loomed into view. They came to an abrupt stop as they stared forward at the figure who made no intention of moving. Minutes passed and Lola decided to step forward. Being the protective brother, Luke stopped her from proceeding forward. She obliged and watched Luke from a distance as he stepped forward, causing a few twigs to snap beneath him.

He was soon in close proximity with the person, who was standing so still that Lola would have mistaken them for a statue if she didn't know better. Luke sniffed the person lightly and his face broke out into a wide grin. Confused, Lola wondered whether to also move forward so she stayed rooted to the spot, until Luke gestured for her to move forward.

Face to face with the person, Lola realized that it was a boy, about the same age as Luke.

"Lola, meet Ash, one of my best friends, Ash meet Lola, my sister." Luke introduced. Ash smiled at them but his eyes were focused onto Lola. She took his appearance into view. He had blonde hair, caressed and messy, piercing green eyes and a taut and lean figure. Overall, he was quite a good looking guy, so to speak.

"Hey" Ash greeted them. He held out his hand for Lola to shake and she shook it gently.

"Hi" Lola replied smoothly, she had always been nervous around Luke's many friends but she was careful not to show it.

"Oh Lola?" Luke called out to her before she could start walking again.

"Hmm?" She said, not addressing him properly

" know Ash...he's...he's also a warevamp" Luke mumbled quietly, Lola had to strain her ears to hear him but she heard him all the same.

How it all began (Life As An Immortal Series-Book 1) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now