Two weeks Later...
Newt had gotten an invitation to Tina's wedding. He rejected it but it was rude to say no to a Royals invite so he had no choice.

A day later...
Newt was let out of the medical unit and got to go back to his village. He could've stayed at the castle but chose not too.

Days Later...
Theseus came up to Newt's room and opened Newt's door without asking. He saw Newt with the air mask on.
Newt was gasping for air as his one hand grasped his shirt over his heart.
"Newton, I'll get the royal..."
"No! Please, I can't go back there. Theseus"!
"Ok. I'll get Our doctor".
A few minutes later Theseus came up to Newt's room with an older man.
He walked over to Newt and sat on the edge of the bed. The man  listened to his heart and said,"Mr Scamander, your heart does sound off. But I'll assure you if you don't do something you could die".
He looked Newt in the eye and read his facial expression.
"Newton, I've known you sense you were a little boy. I've seen this look before on many others. Your hurting".
Theseus spoke up,"His wound"?
"No. Newton.....who-who is she"?
Newt stared at the doctor for a moment than to the ceiling.
"No-no one".
"Now, you know that's not true. Did you fall in love with someone working at the castle"?
He read Newt's expression.
Theseus spoke up,"What? Who is she"?
"You have fallen in love with the princess, haven't you"?
"What? No. My brother didn't even want to do the selection".
"That doesn't mean he wouldn't fall in love".
The doctor walked out for a moment and turned the tv on downstairs. He saw Tina on the tv with her soon to be husband. Theseus walked downstairs.
"She's got the same look".
"So, that's good right"?
"Not necessary. She could be in love with another selected member or someone from her past".
"What does that mean"?
"Don't tell him just yet".

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