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"Listen here, Blake, because I was just in the choir room and you will never believe who just walked in." Kurt dragged Aria into the choir room after roaming around, looking for the redhead.

Aria walked into room, Kurt still clinging onto her arm, and noticed Noah Puckerman sitting on one side of the choir room. She looked at Kurt and he grinned at her. She smiled back at him and detached her arm from Kurt's surprisingly strong grip before walking towards Puck, a goofy grin on her face.

Ignoring the look Sam was giving Puck, she wrapped her arms around Puck who squeezed her just as tightly. The two pulled away and Aria took a seat beside him, glancing back at Kurt.

"Alright guys, let's get down to business! First, let's welcome back Noah Puckerman." Mr. Schuester said, standing up. The glee club cheered and applauded for the boy, "Puck, I hope your time in juvy has taught you a lesson or two about right and wrong?"

"Are you kidding me? I ruled that place. All I did was crack skulls and lift weights all day." Puck said, facing his classmates.

"Oh, what a catch, can't believe I ever let you go." Quinn said sarcastically, causing Aria to press her lips into a tight line.

"And now, drumroll, Finn!" Will said to the tall boy, bringing everyone's attention back to the teacher. Finn began tapping on his book as if it were a drum, "Because I have in my hand our competition for sectionals next month."

"First, the a'capella group from the all-boys private school in Westerville, the Dalton Academy Warblers." the glee club began to chatter excitedly.

"Okay, hold up." Santana smirked, "Like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head." Kurt glanced at her, clearly annoyed.

"And the other team to beat, the Hipsters." Will continued, disregarding Santana's comment, "A first-year club from the Warren township continuing education programme. Now, they are a glee club composed entirely of elderly people getting their high school GEDs."

"Is that legal?" Rachel questioned, a concerned expression on her face.

"How are we supposed to compete against a bunch of adorable old people?"

"Are you kidding? Brittle bones. Give one of those old ladies a good luck pat on the rear, it'll shatter her pelvis." Puck told the group, earning a weird look from Aria.

"Moving on. Since this seems to get you guys jazzed about sectionals last year, I wanna make this week our second annual boys versus girls tournament." the group cheered at the announcement, "So! Split up into two groups, and, uh, figure out which songs you're gonna sing."

The girls and boys all went to each other there and began to plan their mash-ups.

"Kurt, gonna say it again. Boys team." Mr. Schuester told the pale boy, not bothering to even check if he was in the boys' group.


ARIA WAS THE LAST ONE OUT OF THE CHOIR ROOM AFTER GLEE CLUB ENDED, and noticed Santana waiting outside of the room, arms crossed and a sour look on her face.


"Okay, listen to me, carrot top," Santana pulled the girl into an empty hallway, "I know you think we're all buddy-buddy with each other, but right now, you're dating my man and it's bugging me."


"You being with him pisses me off." she said plainly.

"Santana, whether you like him or not, Puck is my boyfriend. You can't have him, and I'm not breaking up with him just because you don't like seeing me with him." Aria replied as if it was the most simplest thing in the world.

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