Chapter 61: Tricks

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Casey watched Seb look down at the ground and bite his lip.


The next 3 days went by quickly. As each one passed, Casey's new home started to feel just like that, home. On Monday, Seb would be flying to Singapore for the next Grand Prix, while Casey would travel a day later with her Ferrari teammates.

As Casey drove home from work on Friday evening, she had to be extra mindful not to speed. She couldn't help letting her excitement take over as the hours counted down until Evan and Jake would arrive at the airport.

She had just enough time to hurry through a shower and get changed before they needed to get going to meet the flight when it landed.

"You good to go?"

Casey looked up from her dresser and grinned at Seb as he leaned in the doorway of their bedroom, watching her strap her watch back on.

She jumped up and bounced over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck happily. He laughed and pulled her in tightly.

"You're not allowed to forget about me this weekend." he said, muffled against her hair.

Casey pulled away and smirked, "Such a jealous type, aren't you?"

"No." Seb scoffed, unable to hide a smile from reaching his lips.

"I love you." she whispered, leaning in and biting his lip gently. Seb growled softly and moved as if to pursue the moment further but Casey quickly ducked out of his arms and hurried off down the hallway, "Time to go!" she called back to him.


Seb drove the Infinit with Casey in the passenger seat as they headed to the airport to meet Evan and Jake.

"Did you call Britta today?" Casey asked off-handedly.

"Shit." Seb muttered.

"You had one job today." she exclaimed, "One fucking job!"

Seb leaned forward to his phone in the center console and navigated to Britta's name, hitting the call button. The dial tone filled the car loudly as the call emanated over the car's Bluetooth sound system. It rang precisely 3 times before Britta's familiar voice picked up the call.

"Sebastian?" she said warily, "Bist du in Ordnung?"

Seb chuckled quietly, "Yes, I'm okay."

"Why are we speaking English? Am I on loudspeaker?"

"No, you're not."

"Have you got someone with you?" she asked curiously.

Seb looked over at Casey and held his finger to his lips, motioning for her to be quiet.

"Yes, someone is here."

"Stop being so coy Sebastian! Spit it out!"

"I've met a girl." he said, grinning to himself even more as his 'announcement' was met with dead silence.

"Is this a joke?" Britta eventually replied, sounding thoroughly unimpressed.

"No, she's amazing, I met her in a club last night. I'm going to bring her to Singapore! Can you arrange an extra flight?"

There were at least 10 more seconds of silence before Britta replied.

"Have you finally lost your mind?" Britta snapped.

"What do you mean?" Seb replied, feigning shock.

"This won't end well Sebastian. I thought you were going to talk to Casey last weekend, what the hell happened?"

Fifth Light (Sebastian Vettel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu