I dont want to play the game

665 19 5

Amanda, Akko and professor croix all woke up in a weird room with dim lights

Uuugghh my head

Professor croix
Is everyone ok?

Yah but what's this thing around our necks?

I don't know but it's pretty heavy

Just then a voice was heard on a speaker

Mysterious voice
Hello ladies you may not kno.......

Who are you!?

Mysterious voice
I'm getting to tha......

Hey can you make the lights more brighter it's kind of creepy in here?!

Mysterious voice
W..well that's the point it's supposed to be creepy?

Professor croix
Where are we and who are you??

Mysterious voice

Everyone goes quite

Mysterious voice
Good........now that you are awake and I have your attention I want to play a game, the collars around your necks are set to set off in 10 minutes and once they do set off well I'm guessing you know what will happen the key is hidden somewhere in this room who knows it may be closer then you think and.........

Found it!

Mysterious voice
Wait what!!???

Amanda unlocks the collars

Professor croix rubs her neck
Anything else?

Yah that was actually fun!!

Mmmmmm not really it was actually pretty easy?

Mysterious voice
Well the next game won't be so easy walk through the next door if you dare

Professor croix, Amanda and Akko walk through to the next room to find 4 closed doors

Mysterious voice
There are four doors each are rigged with......

Just then professor croix kicks open a door and in the room was an explosion

Professor croix
That one was a trap

Mysterious voice
W...Wait you can't do that?!!!

Professor croix kicks open the second door and there was another explosion inside

Mysterious voice
Stop you can't do that!!!!

Professor croix kicks open the third door but their was no explosion

Professor croix
This room is good

Mysterious voice sighs
You girls are no fun

Professor croix , Amanda and Akko walk into the next room

Hey can you turn on the lights please we can't see?

Just then the door behind them shut and the lights turned on , professor croix tried to open it

Professor croix
It's locked

Amanda tried to ram the door but couldn't open it and as she was about to ram into it with all she had everyone heard a squeaking noise

Is that......

Professor croix
What the.....

Is that a chariot doll riding a tricycle?

Chariot doll
So you've made it this far but don't celebrate yet you see there are 3 windows in this room....

Curtains drop from the ceiling reviling three windows

Chariot doll
You will have to open one to escape, once you open 1 window the others will be locked tight meaning they cannot be opened , one window will have bridge painted while the others are not if you choose the wrong window you will fall to your death choose wisely as for two windows will lead to your death good luck and........

Professor croix and Amanda both look at each other

Professor croix grabs the chariot doll while Amanda grabbed the tricycle

Chariot doll
Wait what are you....

But before the chariot doll could finish their sentence they were thrown towards the window shattering it

Everyone could here the chariot doll hit the ground

Professor croix
That one was no good

Amanda throws the tricycle at the second window managing to crack it


Akko I don't think.......

Professor croix
Just let her try

Akko picks up the tricycle and throws it at the window causing it to brake and fall out the window and landed on a fake painted floor

Professor croix
This one must be it

The three witches soon found their way out of the death trap place

Well that was no fun?

I thought it was!

Professor croix sighs
Chariot is going to have to try harder next time if she's going to scare us this Halloween..............I wonder what she's doing right now???

Professor Ursula
Uuuuggghhh my head

What where are we why are we chained??!!!

Some one Dim the lights it's to bright

Just then everyone heard a voice coming from a speaker

Mysterious voice
Hello ladies I want to play a game

Yeeeeeeeet lol I honestly don't know it's Halloween 👌😂👌🎃👻🎃👻more to come as well as Diana x Amanda 7

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