Amanda x Diana 2

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Diana was roaming the halls of Luna nova late at night making sure no one was out getting into trouble

What happened why did I lose control like that? It must be some kind of spell? But I had full control of my body? What happened?

Just then Diana was pulled to the side by someone

Get your hands off me!!

Amanda whispers
Relax princess it's just me and quiet someone might hear us or worse see us

Diana blushes
Oh....s...sorry and don't call me princess

Amanda smirks
Why you act like one and besides you are my princess

Diana turns red
I....i do not and r..really?

Of course

Amanda kisses Diana on the lips and something inside Diana clicked

Diana suddenly and aggressively grabs Amanda and pins her against the wall and kisses her even more

Amanda breaks free from Diana's grip and the kiss

W...woah calm down

Diana fixes her posture and straightens up

S...sorry...l..look I got to go and you need to get back to your dorm before you get into trouble

Amanda smiles
Oh come on I just want to have some fun tonight

Not now Amanda I'm on duty to watch the halls

Amanda begins to giggle

W...what what's so funny?

Amanda giggles
You said duty

Diana sighs
Just get back to your dorm please I don't want you to get into trouble I'll be by when I'm done

Alright fine but you promise right?

Diana kisses Amanda on the cheek

I promise now go before someone sees you

Alright I'm going princess and you promise to come by right?

Diana blushes
Of course now go!

Amanda begins to walk back to her dorm

Inside Diana's head
I.......I DID IT AGAIN!! (Sigh) what's wrong with me....i need to talk to someone about this?

Diana heads to the person she needs to talk to about her situation and knocks on the door and they answer the door

May I have a word with you please?
Thank you everyone for all the support you've given me lol thank you so much 😁😁😊😊😊😀😀😀🐹

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