Chapter 38: The Zenyatta Mondatta Brothers part 1

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Although Jotaro wished it wouldn't come so soon, the sun rose from the horizon and the warm light, and the heat came back to the land of Egypt. Jotaro had fallen asleep beside Hikari's bedside, holding tightly onto her hand when the doctors and the others came to check on the girl. The doctors wanted to run a few tests to make sure Hikari didn't have long-lasting effects from her injuries, so seeing as how their friends were in good hands, Polnareff, Nemuru, Jotaro, and Joseph were now walking around town getting a feel for the area as they waited for the update on the conditions of their friends.

As they walked Jotaro caught a glimpse of his grandfather cheekily grinning at him. Ah, he knows. Jotaro sighed in near annoyance, damn it. The old man is going to get annoying about it.

"Well, are they gonna pull through?" Polnareff asked smoking a cigarette. "Luckily, Avdol's major arteries weren't damaged, so he'll probably be released by tomorrow. But Kakyoin and Chiara, on the other hand, have serious injuries. There's a chance that he could go blind. With Chiara, while her heart had avoided damage, her lungs might become very weak. So extreme physical activities might be out of the question for her." Joseph explained

"That's a raw deal," Polnareff said.

"I hate to say it, but if their conditions doesn't improve soon, we might have to leave them behind," Jotaro stated. Though, now that he said it out loud, he figured that it might be best for Hikari to sit things out for a little while.

"Well, I'm just hoping they rest up and heal at a steady pace," Nemuru told them.

"Hey, since there are so many cafes nearby, how about we get ourselves a drink?" Polnareff said.

"That's a great idea. Which one did you have in mind?" Joseph asked. Polnareff took the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it forwards. It landed on the ground pointing at a cafe called MAXIM. "There you have it, the cigarette has spoken." The group walked in and took some seats at a table. As they settled in, a tall man walked up ready to take their orders. He was a tall young man with a muscular build, having dark hair and a long face. His attire consists of a T-shirt over which he wears a jacket, jeans, and a cap with an oversized visor.

"Hello there. Tell me, sirs and madam, how may I be of service?"

"Well, tea sounds good right about now," Polnareff said.

"I haven't had that in a while. I'll have one too," Nemuru said.

"Same," Jotaro said.

"Right, so four teas. Be back in a jiffy." He says before walking away. But then Joseph spoke up, making him freeze. "Actually, scratch that order if you would." He said. "Huh?" Polnareff went as he was a little confused about why Joseph would cancel their order. "Hear me out. We're in enemy territory here. This is Dio's dominion, and since we don't know when enemies will attack we have to be cautious. If we let our guard down, even for a second, someone could poison us. From this point on, we're only drinking from bottles and cans."

"Come on. Are you serious?" Polnareff questioned.

"Completely. Hey there, you can forget the tea and bring us colas instead." Joseph said.

"Cola?!" The young man exclaimed.

"That's right. Something wrong?" Jotaro asked.

"N-Not at all. Okay, four colas coming up. I'll just go and grab them." He said as he walked over to a case that filled with Cola Bottles. "Oh, by the way, if you don't mind, we'll open them ourselves. And to make sure we're not falling victim to any funny business, give us the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ones from the far right side." Joseph declared.

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