Chapter 8: The Chariot vs The Magician

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"You know your way around a sword, I'll grant you that much but it will take much more than mere ego if you think I'll be defeated by the time the flames reach twelve." Avdol said. He had accepted the challenged the man from France gave him. "You're pride may well be your undoing Mr...Uh, who-"

"Pardonne-moi. We haven't been introduce yet. My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff." He said.

"Well met, Polnareff. It's good to know the name of one's opponent. However," Avdol paused as he pointed at the table. The fire came alive and engulfed the table, burning it to cinders. Small flames quietly rained down. "Back to the task at hand. If you're under the assumption that my flames only burn upward or with the wind as they would in nature, let me assure you they do not." He smirked. "My Stand is named Magician's Red because it wields fire as though by magic."

Polnareff sneered at him. "Hmph. Fire is what began life itself in this world. I should've expected as much from a fiery Stand such as Magician's Red, who represents 'beginnings'. However, you dare to speak of pride and ego." The French man pulled out five Francs and threw them into the air. The coins were perfectly aligned with the falling flames. "I assure you that my pride is well-deserved." With great speed and precision, Silver Chariot skewered both the coins and balls of fire in a single thrust of his rapier. Everyone was taken by complete surprised by the swordsman's skills. "Now you see that I'm every bit as deadly as I had said. It is not mere ego, my Stand has the unrestricted power to cut fire to ribbons as though it were nothing." Polnareff said. "It can slice through air, creating a vacuum and guiding the fire. Your flames are useless. Face it, your Magician's Red may be fearsome, but it's powerless against the likes of my Silver Chariot."

Polnareff withdrew his Stand and calmly walked passed the group. He walked over to the front doors and turned his head to look at Avdol. He then told him, "Victory and Conquest. That represents the card The Chariot and defines my Stand as well. I can beat you in this cramped little place as well as anywhere else. Not very sporting though. Your flames will serve you to greater effects in a larger, open space. Beating you in the apex of your power Monsieur, is the only victory worthy of my Stand." He pushed the doors opened and shouted for them to follow him outside. Polnareff leads the group the Tiger Balm Garden. A fantastical hillside park built along Hong Kong's famous Tai Hang road. With surreal landscape of sculptures of Pagodas, it is a true Hong Kong auditee.

"What the hell kind of nonsense is this?" Joseph yelled out as they walked into a large open space in the garden.

"I believe they call it Tiger Balm Garden." Kakyoin answered.

"Oh yeah?"

"A prediction, if I may indulge." Polnareff says as he brought Silver Chariot. "Monsieur Avdol, you will die here. Destroyed by the flames of your very own Stand, Magician's Red."

"Avdol," Jotaro begins to say. He was planning to take Avdol's place in this fight. He was confident with that Star Platinum could teach the man a lesson. But Avdol stopped him by saying to him, "Jotaro. This is not your fight. In an open space like this one, there's nothing to keep my Stand from fighting at full force." In a burst of flames, Magician's Red appeared before him and was more then ready to battle the Chariot. The two Stand users stared each other down. Waiting for the other to make a move. Jotaro and the rest stepped off to the side. With Magician's Red's ability to produce fire, this was bound to get ugly. "En garde!" Polnareff shouted. The fight begins almost immediately Silver Chariot starts the fight off with a flurry of sword strikes, most of which Magician's Red quickly dodges. The man from France tried to urge the fortune teller to attack and stop defending. Magician's Red counters with an attack of blasting out several fire blasts from its mouth. Silver Chariot has expected that attack and further demonstrates its power by using its sword to deflect the shots towards a nearby statue and carving it to resemble Magician's Red.

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