"It's my home away from home" He said with a grin.

"Plus, Malaya is" I cut Archie off placing my hand tightly on his shoulder.

"A friend I been working here since I was able to get a job." Archie gave Jug a look then me I bent down.

"Do you think you can help me grab something off a top shelf?" I asked him he nod and stood going into the storage area I knew we need some cups soon.

"Archie it's vital you do not tell anyone of me, and Jug being related. Did you not see the guy sitting in the back he a serpent just like me? If people talk about me and Jug being related people will question it and then I have to stand up to another bike asshole 10x me or that guy size last time I was put in the hospital so no one not even those girls if they don't already know need to know you hear me" he gulped and nod I pointed to the cups. "Pack of those and go ahead get some napkin also" He did what I asked then walked out me behind him with the stuff Sweets walked up to me with a question look. I leaned up and whisper in his ear.

"Jug doesn't tell his friend about dad being Leader if the serpents little miss snoops know the lead my dad if Archie spills about me and him being related the north sided would eat him alive." He nods before walking into the bather room. I got back to work refilling napkins and cleaning tables.

"Another shake Sweets" I called across making a few people look at where I glance.

"Only if you bring and come sit for 10 min" I huffed and just went back to cleaning the rest of the table. Pops hand his shake ready and one for me also making me smile and shake my head.

"You're a trader Pops Tate" I called over my shoulder as I made my way to the table.

"More like a life safer" Sweetpea called making Pops laugh. I set down and just look at him.

"Serpent we need or check" Hermione rolled her eyes and waved me off doing it for me.

"Remember to put all the money where it goes. I know Lodges have sticky finger." Cheryl snapped Hermione daughter went to stand up, but her mom waved her off.

"You know Cheryl I went to school with you mom. She didn't know the difference from money or class either." I looked at Sweets and we busted out laughing. We got silent and I looked at the table.

"Keela don't shut me out please" He spoke in a soft voice grabbing my hand. I pulled my hand away.

"Look Sweetpea I understand where you were coming from, I do, but you need to really think on what you want. If it friends fine but I won't play this game of one night you want me and the next you don't you of all people I never expect to play with my feeling yet last night that what you did. Now my 10 minutes is up I need to get back to work. Take my bike and have Toni or Fang heck even Hog eye someone to come get me. After last night I need time to collect my thoughts so please do the same and really think about what you think is best for you. You will always be one of my best friends no matter what just remember that I spoke as I pulled my keys out my pocket and slide it to him. I stood up and took a deep breath taking my milk shake that was half gone and walked back to the counter. I heard him punch the table making me close my eyes tightly as he passed and stormed out the door setting my keys next to me.

"I'll walk" He spoke harshly as he walked out. I glanced around seeing everyone starting at me. My chest felt like it was on fire as I put my keys back in my pocket and got back to work ignoring everyone.

"See someone having problems with their boyfriend" I heard the little snoop say.

"Boy friend?" I heard Jug asked

" yeah they were all over each other last night. Well there was also the other guy she was sitting on." Veronica paused as she gave him a weird look. "What do you have a thing for her?

"The other one not her boyfriend" Kevin told them before anyone could react to her last comment. I looked over to see them giving him a confused look.

"Guys I am gay I know when another guy gay" he laughed it off rolling his eyes. I went to their table and started cleaning up what was empty.

"You ok Laya" Jug asked me I did not look at him.

"Hmm oh yea that was nothing" I gave them a smile before stepping away and swaying a little. Kevin caught me and I stood back up grabbing my head.

"Malaya" Jug shouted jumping over the seat and coming to me.

"I moved to fast Pops didn't see that did he" I asked grabbing his arm He looked over my shoulder. "I need these hours Jug he going to send me home."

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to stick my foot out then are you ok" Kevin spoke up. I looked back at Kevin with wide eyes. Really surprised that he decided to cover for me.

"Yeah it's fine"

"Your head ok you kind of hit your hand in the area of your stitches" Jug added I sent him a smile.

"Yeah just a slight throb I'll be ok thank you both" I mouth thank you one more time to Jug. He nods and went back to bent down and picked up what I dropped I bent down also. "Thank your friend also you both just saved my ass" I whisper before standing up and walking to put up the dishes.

"You ok I thought you might have got dizzy" Pops said looking at me worried.

"No Pops just tripped over Kevin right" I ask looking toward him. He nods. " Foot it was accident"

"Ok be more careful we don't need you to hit your head again" He spoke still kind of unsure. Finish your milk shake take a breather you only took a 10-minute break and have 20 more minutes of your break."

"Ok yeah thank Pop I'm just run to the restroom" I said giving him a smile before making my way to the bathroom. Once there I took a deep breath.

"You ok" Cheryl asked walking in. I rolled my eyes and splashed water on myself.

" not that you care I am fine" I spoke looking at my stitches in the mirror.

"Look you're from the south side so you don't know me..." I laugh cutting her rude comment off.

"Cheryl, we grew up together. Or did you forget we use to be best friend in middle school. Was I that easy to forget about.?" She froze and looked at me. "I am not someone you can step all over sweetly north side might let it and hey the probably letting it slide even more now right. Well that is not me hunny I grew up and learn from my mistakes. You backstabbing bitch being the main one. Thinking everyone under you well I am sorry to tell you this I do not give a shit who you are what you been through. I work my ass off every day to provide for my family with two damn jobs and you know at one point that did not matter to you. Money and being queen B did not matter. So yea I am fine, and you can stop with the fake fucking caring. I'm sick of the disrespect I get from you north sider when all I want to do is fucking have food on the table roof over my head stuff to wear." I spoke and stormed out she just stayed in shock wide eyes as I pushed passed her.

"You might have a report coming your way sorry Pops." I said as I went to my bag and grabbed my pack of cig taking my milkshake and stepping out. After my smoke break, I went back inside much calmer.

"Not sure what happen but all she did was go to her table them leave so your good" He told me, and I nod.

"Sorry I am so tired of being disrespected because of where I live and who my family is Pops. All I am trying to do is keep a roof of my dad and I head and food on the table." He gave me a sad smile before I got back to work.

Down by the River (riverdale fan fiction)(under edit)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ