Chapter Six- Way Back

Start from the beginning

"You so totally cheated!" James interrupted me from my happy dance. 

"I so totally did not. We didn't have rules did we?" He just grunted in response. 

Okay wondering what happened? Here it goes... 


(Minutes before I won) 

Oh. My. Gosh. 

He is just like a few more few feet paddles away from the tree house and I was so not treating him to McDonalds. I better think of something. FAST. Suddenly I stopped myself from paddling my feet so hard and got myself ready to speak. After a second of breathing rapidly, I finally caught my breath. 

"Hey, yo, James!" 

James also stopped. Thank God! "What?" 

"I saw a girl a while ago calling your name. She's in a bikini." 

"Really?" James began to frantically swim back in my direction probably thinking the girl in a bikini was really true. Hello? Why in the world would a girl (in a bikini) go into the woods out here wearing that? Plus, the fact that she is all alone. What if someone kidnapped her? 

Okay, now I'm growing crazy you know, worrying about somebody that isn't true. Snap out of it, Taylor. You need to win the race. I quickly took the chance to swim away and win this thing. One thing for sure, BOYS ARE STUPID. Well some are, but you know most of them are suckers of the chance to see a girl who is half-naked. Eww... boys are disgusting. 


(End of Flashback) 

"Hey, wanna go inside the tree house?" James asked. 

"Since when did you have a tree house?" 

"Since we were young," He said, not looking at me 'cause he's already up the ladder. AGAIN, RUDE. 

"I don't remember." 

"How could you remember? You didn't even know it was me if I hadn't told you." By this time he was already up in the ladder. Well, those muscles do come in handy. 

Oh no!!! 

Not this again! My legs began to tremble. Shaking violently. Luckily, I had the perfect reason why I was shaking, 'cause just then, wind came by, clearly on my side. So, it was so not because I was cold. It was also because I have aerophobia, nothing big, but when I'm on high places. But if I'm on an airplane I'm okay, 'cause I can't see below. 

"Come on, T!" James called from the tree house. He should've known, he was the person who caused this anyway. Let me tell you how he really did it... 



Okay, we are going to this really cool tower. We will have a tour around it and stuff, but James said he had a better idea, so here I was following him out some place. Ufff... What was that?!? It sounded like... 

There, James was running a hand on his shoulder glaring at someone... behind me. Oh Lily, please tell me it is not who I think it is. 

I turned around (you know all slow like in the movies). 

And there stood the boy James told me about, but weird that he doesn't want me to know his name. Last time I asked, he got all angry at me. Not the mild angry, the wild one. Let me tell you, you don't wanna see it. It will scar you for life! JOKE!!! But it will terrify you. He actually broke one of his arms back then. I felt awful, 'cause it seems like it was all my fault. 

Okay, back to the subject. 

So now, James recovered from the impact, but then M.B. is moving towards him. Yeah, M.B. for 'mysterious boy'. Have a problem with that? 

James stood up and M.B. was in a position ready to fight. Oh, come on! Can't they really talk like normal persons do? Every time they bumped or saw each other it is impossible for them not to fight or give each other dirty looks. I'm really tired of this! 

I snapped out of my thoughts when the first punch landed, which was from James. 

I can't take this anymore... it's so annoying and stupid. Why can't they settle this in a civilized manner and who fights when they just see each other and say 'burn in hell' to each other?!? And plus, the fact that we are just so young. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when the second punch landed, this time from M.B. 

I gotta think of a solution and fast! Well, this is worth the shot. I grabbed all the courage I can get and got in between them. 

"Stop this. NOW!" I shouted. But even after I said that, M.B. gave James a shove. A hard one. Unfortunately, it hit me. Not that I will feel fortunate if James got hit instead. No, no,no that would just be mean and honestly speaking he is my best friend. 

Okay... back to present! 

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed as I fell of the window. "Help me!" 

Ugh, I fell out of the window and now landing flat on my back. "That hurt a lot," I mumbled. I looked at my left and almost had a heart attack. I. Am. Up. In. A. Hundred. Foot. Tall. Building!!! And I didn't even have a harness. I stood up and looked down properly and just as fast as I did that, I regretted it. I was standing on a platform that window cleaners or persons who cleans the window... Of course, I know already I was feet up in the air... I wish I was an airbender so I can airbend my way down and not get hurt but this is the real world so no such thing as bending. But if we really can bend that will be so cool!!! 

So as I was saying by 25 frightful minutes the building sent someone to get me and James had a BIG, BIG lecture because of what happened to me..... 

After that I had been sick the next day and felt like puking every 5 minutes 



So there you have the reason why I have aerophobia!!! 

It's not that bad, and hopefully I will have a chance to not be aerophobic anymore, well sometime while I'm still alive

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