The Goodbye

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"Edlynne. Please. You must eat." Eleanor begs as I stand utterly still on the balcony of my chambers. The night has fallen upon me. The stars are dazzling as I watch them flicker across the midnight sky. I should be contemplating their mesmerizing beauty as I always do, but all I can vision is Jorah's dead body. His death took place shortly after my father informed me of his decision to punish Raven through his father. I did not witness the moment he was ruthlessly killed in his son's place. However, I did see the guards take his body past the castle gates from where I stand. My heart aches at the thought of Raven being informed of this dreadful news. He will never forgive me for causing his father's death. I know I am to blame. He would have never fallen for me the way it is prohibited if I wasn't desperate for a friend that wasn't of my status. I was selfish, and I will never forget myself for it.

"I cannot eat, not when I cannot stop the vision in my mind of his body being dragged out of this castle like some wild beast." She does not respond.

"I am truly sorry."

"Raven will never forgive me."

"You should write him a letter."

"He will never read it."

"If he is truly your friend, he will read it. You will never see him again. You should at least say goodbye." I cannot imagine what must be going through his head as of this moment. Jorah meant everything to Raven since his mother left them when he was three years old. Perhaps is better if I never see him again. I don't think I could ever face him like I used to. Not after what happened.

"You are right. I should say goodbye."

By the time the rose-pink light of dawn gleamed across the skies of Aralia, I had concluded the letter. Eleanor assured me that she would deliver it to him since she was the only one who could leave the castle without being questioned. I remained confined in the chambers of my own castle, and I didn't leave until Eleanor returned.

By noon, one of the maids sent by mother brought me another set of meat and vegetables, assuming I had eaten the one that was brought to me the night before. I did not want to be rude since she was only doing what she was instructed by the queen, but that plate too was left untouched.

"Eleanor!" My eyes widen at the sight of her entering. She must have delivered the letter to him since I don't see her with it.

"He has your letter. I made him promise not to open it until he arrived home."

"Is he alright?" I am not entirely sure if I want to know his state of mind. She hesitates for a slight second to respond. I meet the despair in her agonizing eyes as if they were reflecting Raven's emotions through them.

"He does not know what caused his father's death." I do not know whether I should feel relief or guilty that he does not know what really happened.

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