"So you don't love us?" Zach manages to ask.

"What reason have any of you given me to love you, huh? Tell me!" He shouts angrily.

"Fuck you! I've done so much for you" I start to see tears leave Zach's eyes and it's so heartbreaking.

I remember Kyle telling me how Zach always seeked for his father's approval only to find out now that it was never enough for him to actually love him. Poor guy. He ruined his life to satisfy his father and still...

Jef laughs "It was good while it lasted"

"I hate you. I always have" Zach spits "You'll pay for this. Take my word for it"

"Oh really? And what are you going to do?" His father taunts darkly, crouching to look at him in the eyes "I could end your life right now if I pleased. You take my word for it"

"It's fine" He laughs wheezing "But before I die I would like for you to know one thing... Riley is alive and you'll never see her"


"Bullshit" His father calls immediately.

Zach starts to laugh so hysterically that I'm convinced he took too many hits in the head or something.

"You couldn't find her for three fucking years. Looks like you're not so smart after all" He continues to laugh. His father slaps him.

"Stop fucking lying" He hisses.

"Ask Chelsea. She knows her" He utters in pain.

Mr Chambers turns to me "What the fuck is he talking about? And you better not lie to me, little girl"

"He's telling the truth" I say.

He gets up slowly "What truth?"

"Riley is alive. I know her. We all know, including your wife. She was actually in town a month ago. Guess you missed her"

He doesn't say anything.

"She has a child, a husband. A new life. She actually managed to escape you. Aren't you proud?" Zach taunts "She's a lot smarter than you give her credit for, you know?"

"Shut up" His father hisses.

"Did you think I'd just start getting along with Kyle out of the blue? We're good now because I know he didn't get my sister killed- which is why I hated him in the first place- seeing as she's very much alive" He carries on smugly "I thought you were smarter than this, old man. Connect the dots"

I think Jef does start to connect the dots.

"You're telling the truth" He says in realization, his expression soft.

Zach laughs hysterically "Duh"

He truly is crazy.

"My Riley-Jane is alive? She never died?" He asks dazedly; adoringly before his face quickly darkens "Where is she? Tell me now" He demands to his son.

"I don't know" He lies.

"Tell me" He snarls agitated.

"I don't fucking know, Jesus. She anyways wouldn't want to see you"

He turns to me "Do you know?"

I shake my head quickly. I wouldn't want any of them in danger, especially Theo.

His father smiles menacingly "Well guess what? We're not getting out of here until one of you tells me where my daughter is. You do and I'll let you go easily"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now