Chapter 2

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The boy continued to pull me up a marble flight of stairs towards a huge doorway.

“Hang on – wait you're actually letting him push you around?!” My inner voice said to me.

“What? No pfft...!” I replied, trying to mask my lie from the one thing that knew me better than I knew myself.

“Suuure,” It answered, obviously seeing right through my veil of lies.

“Game on!” I muttered aloud. The boy stopped and stared at me, a cold smirk on his face. He stood there for a second, but before he could continue, I bought my knee up to his “family jewels!” He groaned and let go of my arm as he fell to the floor – in obvious discomfort. Wasting no time at all, I stepped over him and ran off in the opposite direction to which I had been dragged. I was headed for a huge forest...

Dodging and weaving through the trees, I took a little time to enjoy the fact that the cool breeze was meeting me head on, causing my shoulder length hair to stream being me in all of it's chestnut brown glory.

After I was sure no one could possibly find me I stopped, and as if by instinct, sniffed the air. Weird – the whole place smelt of pine and.... cinnamon? There were no pines in sight and why the hell would there be cinnamon in a forest? I stood perfectly still and listened, I heard the snapping of a twig and hushed orders given in a whispered tone, some 200 metres away. I guess I have abnormally good senses?!

But given the fact that these people were a good few hundred metres away, I had a decent head start, right? Wrong. Just three seconds later I heard the crashing of several bulking guys just a mere 10 metres behind me! What. The. Hell!

“Shit!” I muttered.

“It's not good to swear.” Came a voice in front of me. I swung round, only to fall flat on my ass!

“Yeah, well I am far from good – buddy!” I say, sarcastically to the Adonis stood in front of me. Now, I was never really drawn to guys that much – no I am not lesbian – but this, this fine hunk of man, he was mouth wateringly gorgeous.

But me being me, decided to get up, and... well you see – I kind of...

Punched him.

In the face.

And knocked him out.

I don't have a clue how I did it, I mean he's what? I dunno – but he's huge and I punch... well, I thought I punched, like a.. well like a girl (not trying to be sexist.)

That's when I heard the twang of a bow string and the wizzing of an arrow as it hurtled towards my back, just as I spun around to face my attacker – it lodged itself in my upper arm. Searing hot pain shot up my arm and went straight into my very core. “Shit - I got shot!” I said before the darkness consumed me.

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