Chapter 4

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Remus Lupin was incredibly bemused.

Luna had been giving him weird vibes since this morning, when she had walked downstairs to join the rest of them. Her skin had been marked terribly, long scratches and scars that were similar to his own. Almost too similar.

He pushed the thought out of his mind as he walked down the hall, going to meet Lily for Head Student duties. It was technically James's job, but Remus had been given permission from Dumbledore to take over every once in awhile while James caught up on homework or served the occasional detention. Remus didn't mind in the slightest- He didn't mind taking the shift, and giving James having time to study was something Remus believed to be important.

Lily stood outside the Fat Lady's painting, rocking back and forth on her heels as she waited for him. She smiled pleasantly when she caught sight of Remus, lifting a hand in a small wave.

"Wotcher Remus."

"Hi Lily." Said Remus, smiling back at her as the two left right away, begining their walk down the halls. The job itself was simple enough- Just spend a couple minutes wandering the halls and make sure there were no lost first years or students causing trouble.

Ironic, Remus thought, that his best friends were the worst trouble makers in the school.

The two walked in silence for a few moments before Lily spoke up, glancing at Remus out of the corner of her eye.

"So, Remus. How has your week been?"

"Oh, fine." 

"You have any idea what spell Potter used on the Slytherins this morning?"

"Not a clue. Eager to report it?"

"It was, admittedly, an impressive piece of magic. I'm just curious as-" Lily began, interrupted when  a rather large black dog trotted over, tongue hanging out of his mouth. It was with an excited yelp that he jumped up onto Remus's chest, knocking him over and effectively pinning him to the ground. The weight of the paws was familar, and Remus stared up at the dog amusedly as Sirius yapped rather loudly right in his face. Remus never did enjoy his friend taking advantage of his animagus status, as much as he appreciated it during full moons.

Sirius tilted his head then, staring down at Remus with an amused glint in his eyes before Lily grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, ignoring the growl of protest the dog gave as she moved him off of Remus.

"Remus, do you know this dog?" Lily asked, brows furrowed as Sirius tried to squirm out of her grip. Dogs weren't allowed at Hogwarts, after all. Remus bit his lip. He was never a fan of lying, especially to Lily. The redhead was smart enough to see through most of the tales he tried to spin. But giving Sirius up as an animagus was certainly not an option.

"Yes! Yes- He's a stray, from Hogsmeade. He took a liking to me- Not surprised he would've found his way here at some point. If you'd excuse me." Remus said. Lily shrugged, letting Sirius go. He padded back over to Remus, head held high. Remus thought it was just a haughty gesture until he took a closer look and saw the red ribbon the dog wore, a piece of paper stuck onto it. He reached down and detatched it from the ribbon while Sirius went off, most likely heading back to wherever he had come from.

Bemused, Remus unfolded the paper, careful not to smear the still-fresh ink as he looked over it.


Meet us at the Slytherin entrance, we've got something rather wicked in the making.

See you there,

(P.S, Wormtail's with Madame Pomefrey, he broke an arm and that idiot Ravenclaw tried to fix it, removed all the bones)

Remus grimaced. The Ravenclaw third year had a reputation for such antics. With a sigh he folded it back up, sliding the parchment into his pocket and turning back to his redheaded companion. Lily stared at him curiously, and Remus resolved to tell her at least part of the truth.

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