Chapter 19

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"You mean to tell me Death Eaters were let into the castle, Bellatrix bloody Lestrange was let into this castle, and you don't think her werewolf goddaughter had anything to do with it?" Alastor Moody scoffed, arms crossed over his broad chest. He watched the professor in front of him for a moment, the sparkling blue eyes regarding him calmly.

"Miss Swift's situation is an unusual one, admittedly; but she ran away from her home, Alastor. While she has not told me explicitly, I do believe it is because her family wished the worst for her. She is no familiar of Bellatrix Lestrange's, nor any other family members you may wish to bring up. Now if she had done something suspicious, or behaved unusually, I would understand your accusations. But on current grounds, I will not allow you to interrogate my student- Especially when she has had such a trying time, and will continue to until the full moon passes." Albus Dumbledore said, watching the Auror huff grumpily. His partner stood beside him, lips pursed in thought.

"I do understand your reasoning, Albus- The girl appears to be close to my boys, and if she has their trust she has mine. But, because of her family, and whether she still considers them as such or not, she is still a prime suspect. This is the second time Death Eaters have gained access to this castle- There are three kids missing, Albus, and we must explore every possibility. Luna is welcome to go through her full moon unbothered- But afterwards, we will need to speak with her. But it won't be an interrogation. Right, Alastor?" Richard nudged his fellow Auror pointedly, and Moody finally gave in with a nod, still looking less-than-pleased about that idea.

"Very well. The girl can go through this next moon- tomorrow night, if I'm right, which I usually am- but she will be kept in a small quarters and guarded. I don't want her to escape, nor any attempts of someone to try and break her out." Alastor said gruffly, looking over to Richard. "No offense, Potter, but I don't trust your boys to not do something reckless."

"They're smart- They'll understand, and I'm sure so will she. They are young, but certainly not unreasonable. I'll talk to them." Richard said, turning to the Headmaster. "Does this sound agreeable to you, Dumbledore?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Let it be known I wish no discrimination to be shown towards Miss Swift however. She is no less human than you and I."

"Understood perfectly, Dumbledore." Richard nodded once, and Alastor Moody grunted before rising from his seat, leaving the room without another word. Turning back to Dumbledore, he stared at the older man thoughtfully, brows furrowed. "Sometimes I feel you do not quite understand that I am not a prejudiced man."

"It is not you I am concerned about, Richard. Alastor is a fair man, but a harsh one. I sometimes worry for Miss Swift's stability. I simply do not wish to see her too shaken up." Dumbledore sighed as he took a seat at his desk, fingers folded neatly in front of him. Richard raised an eyebrow.

"Albus, a girl that can withstand running from home is anything but weak. And writing to an Auror, one that undoubtedly knew she was being searched for, was no cowardly move."

"I do not mean she is weak. I mean she is wary- Less so than when she first arrived, but all the same- I want her to understand she remains safe here. With these attacks, I fear I have already put my foot in my mouth." Dumbledore admitted. "She has but a few weeks left in this castle, and I fear I will no longer be able to provide safety here for her. I have been searching for a safe house, but most are either full or unwilling to take in a werewolf."

"James and Sirius will be returning to the Den after school is over. She is welcome to join them, if she wishes- Remus as well, and Peter. Of course, I still would like to know her better. I'd prefer to have a house guest see me as a friend, and not an Auror looking to lynch her for something she's no control over." Richard said wryly, resting his elbows on the arms of his chair. "Is there anything else you wish to speak of with me?"

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