Part 16

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I woke up shortly before sunrise. I wanted to return to the Glade as quickly as possible.

As I had run in the Maze following the Glade Walls, I easily found the way back.

The doors started opening slowly.

Minho's POV

I still was furious towards Alby for banishing Kathryna. She was my friend, and he killed her. She was my friend and he killed her. Maybe running would make me forget about all of it. Anyway, she didn't stand a chance, alone in the Maze at night. She was gone for good.

The doors opened, as I prepared myself. Yesterday I had seen something weird at the Cliff, and I wanted to go check it out.

Suddenly, I froze. There was a silhouette in the opening of the doors. As the sun rose, I could clearly see who the person was. Glasses. Short brown hair. Dirty shirt.


Kathryna's POV

I saw Minho first. I ran towards him and jumped in his arms. He seemed very surprised at the beginning, then hugged me tight against him. « Kat! Is that really you? » he asked.

« Well, what do you think, shuck face? » I broke the hug and grinned.

A wide smile drew itself on Minho's face. « How did you make it through the night? »

« The Grievers can't see me, » I said. « It's really strange, like if I touch them they'll react but they can't see me. »

He frowned. « What? That's weird. We're gonna hafta talk about it. »

« Is Newt still in the Slammer? I need to see him. »

Minho's smile instantly disappeared.

« Newt is really not well. He's gone crazy. He was shouting and trying to kill himself. We had to tie him up and keep an eye on him, but when he finally fell asleep he kept repeating your name and at one point he started screaming again. »

« I have to go. Don't tell anyone I'm back yet, okay? I'm not sure how Alby will take it. »

Minho nodded, and I watched him run into the Maze.

I discretely crept to the Slammer. I could heard Newt sobbing, and I saw Jeff and Winston trying to comfort him.

« Newt, crying won't do any good, » said Winston. « She's gone, mate. »

« I'll kill Alby! » roared Newt. « I'll bloody tear out his eyes! »

I quietly walked up to them. When Jeff and Winston saw me, their eyes widened and their face lit.

« Kathy Kat! You're alive! » they shouted.

I threw myself in their arms, before rushing to Newt. He was speechless, so I reached for his hand through the wire and squeezed it.

« I'm back, Newt, » I whispered.

Suddenly he grabbed my shirt and pulled me to him, and we kissed through the bars.

« I can't believe it, » he muttered. « How is this possible? »

« Jeff, Winston, » I ordered, « don't tell anyone, okay? Minho and you guys are the only ones to know I'm here. »

« Don't worry Kathy Kat, we're not losing you again, » grinned Winston. « In fact, Alby pretty much decided alone that you were getting banished. Can't wait to see his face when he'll realize you're back. But how the shuck did you make it through the night alive? »

« The Grievers can't see me. For some reason. »

I turned back towards Newt. Tears of joy were streaming down his face. He didn't need to speak to make me understand how he felt.

« Love, I won't Alby take you away from me again, I swear. »

I smiled.

« Well, I'd better go help Frypan, » I said. « I'll come back to see you Newt, okay? »

He nodded. I sprinted to the kitchens, careful not to be seen by anyone. I walked up to Frypan.

« Any dishwashing to do? »

He jumped back. « OH MY SHUCKING GOD SHE'S ALIVE! » he shouted.

Everyone turned around with an astonished look on their face. « No way.... » said Tim.

Then the next thing I knew, all the cooks were hugging me, happily laughing and asking « How did you survive out there? »

Once everyone calmed down, I explained to them what happened during the night. « Do ya realize what it means, Kat? » said Frypan. « You could be a night runner! »

« Um, no thanks, » I replied. « I'm the slowest runner on Earth. AND I have terrible stamina.»

« Can someone explain what's with all the commotion? » asked a voice behind us.

I didn't need to look to see who it was.

Intruder - The Maze Runner Fanfiction ( x Newt)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora