peter parker | unrequited

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warnings: like sad peter i guess...


Peter Parker sat at one of the many tables in Midtown High's cafeteria. His best friend Ned, was seated beside him going on about anything Star Wars related. While he himself dreamily stared across the lunch room and in the direction of a girl seated at the popular table. Her name was Y/n L/n and in Peter's eyes he thought that she was the definition of perfection.

He adored everything about her. Ranging from the way her long h/c hair flowed neatly down her back, how her bright e/c orbs sparkled in the sunlight which shone in through the windows, and the way she kept the cheerleading outfit she wore nice and neat. Peter was utterly and totally infatuated with the female a few tables away from himself and Ned.

Peter rested his elbow onto the lunch table, leaning into the palm of his hand as he continued to stare over at the beauty in front of him. Slightly zoning out, from whatever his best friend had been saying to him and a small smile adorning his features.

Soon noticing Peter's lack of interest in what was being said, Ned snapped his fingers in front of the male's face to catch his attention. Which resulted in the brown haired male to snap out of his daydream and turn back towards his best friend.

"Dude. just go ask her out already, it looks creepy with you just staring over there." Ned explained towards Peter, as he gestured towards the female across the room from themselves.

Peter's eyes widened at that however before stuttering a response to his best friend. "W-What? N-Ned.....i can't do that. W-What if she rejects me? w-what if---" He continued to ramble on with many different excuses with why someone as popular and perfect as Y/n could reject him. Ned rolled his eyes, before standing up and gently nudging his best friend in the direction of the lunch table occupied by a bunch of popular students.

"You can thank me later when your dating." Ned told Peter before walking out of the lunch room towards his next class.

Peter nervously walked up behind the h/c headed female he had been crushing on. His hands getting slightly clammy from the nerves he had right then, he could feel his cheeks heating up in the process. He was finally going to do it. He was finally going to ask out what he thought was the most beautiful girl in the entire world, heck possibly the entire universe even.

Tapping his shaking hand upon the girl's shoulder, he gulped quietly before speaking the words he's wanted to confess ever since he spotted the female for the first time. The very words that could possibly be requited in return or that could possibly embarrass him in front of the other watchful and curious gazes that lingered in his direction.

"H-Hi Y/N!" he managed to squeak out nervously. His hands playing with the corner of his jumper slightly. Then at the sound of her name being said, the female turned around to see who greeted her. Eyebrows furrowed, she confusingly looked at Peter once her eyes locked onto his figure standing behind her. Y/n replied back with a quick 'hi' before awaiting for what the brown haired nerd had wanted to speak to her for.

"U-um. I like you. L-like Like you. And wanted to k-know if you wanted to g-go out with me?" Peter stuttered out, his face heated up a lot more if it was even possible to go redder in the face. A part of him hoped that his feelings would be reciprocated, but then a smaller part of him was worried that he was going to be rejected and left with a broken heart. The h/c haired girl however was taken aback at first by the question he asked. Before she managed to regain her posture and reply to what had just been said.

"Listen. uh....Peter. You're cute and all but i don't like you, like that. I'm sorry." Y/n told the boy, setting one of her small hands upon one of his shoulders. Her face displaying a pitying look to him, before she got up with her friends and walked away.

It took a minute for Peter to comprehend what his crush's answer was. But when he did, he felt like his heart had broken into millions of small pieces. Like a million knives stabbed into his heart. His entire fear of rejection had just come true and the pain of it hurt him. Peter felt like a complete fool to listening to Ned, who told him that he needed to confess his feelings and ask out his crush. And look where that got him. Heartbroken. It got him Heartbroken.



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