hazel callahan | only rivals

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o. All you were meant to be were rivals, nothing more, nothing less. Yet, as a sudden rendezvous while drunk comes to light. You're left all confused about your now conflicted feelings.

warnings: just rivals/college Hazel and Reader lol


You hadn't a clue what you were doing there. Tangled between the sheets of the bed which belonged to the boy you despised terribly. Maybe it was all the alcohol that had been flooding through your system for the past hour or so. Whatever it was, you would have never expected to be pinned to the bed by the said rival above you. Her lips attack your neck feverishly with multiple hickeys. 

Maybe if you had been sobre enough, you would have had the guts to shove the girl away from you. Heck, if you weren't heavily intoxicated, you wouldn't even be in this position. You'd much rather be stuck inside your cramped dorm room, studying for your upcoming exams or spending it with anyone that wasn't him. 

Your relationship with Hazel was strictly an academic rivalry that had been occurring since middle school. It was only supposed to be that and nothing more. Yet here you were. You were simply crossing an invisible line that shouldn't have even been crossed.

Nothing was going to change between you two. You just knew that this was to be all forgotten by tomorrow morning. And if not forgotten, then it'll just be viewed as some stupid mistake between two drunk adults. 

The brunette gently reached forward to grip at your shirt you'd been wearing. Her hands fiddled to remove it from your body, only to reveal the plain bra you'd been wearing. You tugged lightly at her short brown locks, reconnecting your slightly chapped lips with her own, soliciting a moan to come from the girl. 

No coherent thought floating through your mind at that moment, and if there were, it only remained slightly muffled. Or it would leave your mind, right as it had entered. Most likely a result of all the alcohol you had consumed earlier that night.

Even through your haste to feel closer to the girl above you, you couldn't deny that she was indeed a good kisser. You would be lying to say if you had never thought about suddenly pulling her in by the collar of her shirt and locking lips with her. 

Although, if asked, you'd simply say that you don't have a crush on her. Why would you? You hated her, and she hated you. There was nothing more there. You two were only rivals, borderlining on common enemies. All the words you ever really shared would always be trying to one-up each other or spew out clear insults. Trying to deflate each other's egos. 

The following morning soon came by quite quickly, and with it came the remaining alcohol leaving your body, plus a pounding headache. You gently opened your eyes, allowing your eyes to adjust to the lighting of the room.

You moved your hand to rub circles onto your forehead as a means to lessen the sudden pain. A sudden wave of confusion followed your train of thought, peeking around the bedroom you lay in currently. 

It wasn't yours, that's for sure. It didn't have the small knick-knacks and different sortings of decorations you had adorned your dorm room with, so how could it be. So whose room was it? You couldn't be too sure at that moment. Gently, you peeled the rest of the covers from your bare legs, only to notice your lack of clothing. 

You lifted yourself shakily from the mattress, adjusting yourself into a standing position. You turned slightly to spare a glance at the other side of the bed you'd been laying in, only for your eyes to widen largely at the figure lying there now.

That would explain your now lack of clothes and the strong smell of cheap beer that still lingered from you both. Yet you still refused to believe that you even did anything with the girl you hated.

You had to leave. You didn't want to stay there in that room with her any longer. Especially if you didn't have any clothes on. Shaking your head in an attempt to forget the sudden memories of last night flooding your brain, you fought to tug your discarded clothing back on.

Unintentionally, awakening the very person you didn't want to wake in your hurry. As soon enough, you saw her stir just the slightest bit before opening her eyes and sitting up against his headboard.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, still tired from the sleep she'd just woken from. Biting her lip, to try to rack her brain for an answer to her question, once her gaze landed upon you, you stood there. 

"Listen - last night." You finally started, trying to find the words on what you should say to her. Hazel’s paying close attention to what you spoke next. “It shouldn't have happened. What we did was nothing more or less of a mistake.”

When you did finish speaking, you watched as her features contorted into a look of shock and later realisation of the events from last night. For some odd reason, you felt as if your voice had shook slightly when you spoke. Which, you couldn't put your finger on as to why. You just knew that it definitely wasn't a crush. No, it wasn't. You denied silently. 

The brunette nodded in agreement. You were right she knew that. Her next words fell effortlessly from her lips in response. "That's fine. It was nothing more than that. I won't mention it at all, if you won't either."

Despite a tiny voice in your head saying to say something more. To suddenly feel the need to want to tell her that the tiniest part of you liked it. Liked the taste of her lips attached to yours. A 'voice' which you hadn't thought had been there till now. You knew you couldn't because you were only rivals. And now, as you exited her own dorm room after adjusting your shoes back onto your feet.

You felt your mind running a mile-a-minute with the constant thoughts and conflicting feelings you felt now. Ones that you still tried to deny, with every last fibre in your being. You knew you hadn't ever thought of before and that you'd ever be thinking because of Hazel. Why was this all happening now? Why now, right after you had slept with her? Was she even still your enemy?

No! Of course she was! You didn't like her! You hate Hazel Callahan! You shook your head to rid yourself of the thoughts flooding your mind. That's all you ever would be. You would get over whatever you were feeling right now. 

At least you hoped you would.

At least you hoped you would

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