any character | realities apart

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o. Two soulmates separated by two different worlds with the only connection through the music they hear.

warnings: a small bit of angst? idk if it could be considered that tho

a-n: I wrote this with shifting in mind btw and I don't specify which character/celebrity it's about so you technically read it while thinking of anyone really

Y/n had always loved the idea of soulmates. Ever since they were young they had always enjoyed the fact that out there somewhere was a person who would love you through thick and thin. Somebody who you would meet when it was eventually time to and who was specifically meant to be yours. However, Y/n had never anticipated or expected that maybe theirs is in an entirely different world to themself. Sure it was possible. But it was very rare for two soulmates to not be in the same reality as each other. 

As they lay back against the sheets on their bed, head resting against their pillow, e/c eyes staring at the cream coloured ceiling above and fiddling absentmindedly with their fingers across their stomach. The h/c allowed for the gentle voice of their favourite artist to play through their speaker situated on their bedside table, knowing that eventually their soulmate would be able to hear it too wherever they were. 

Y/n always liked these days. The days where she would just lay down comfortably somewhere and play music for both them and their soulmate to hear. Sometimes their soulmate would tune in and play something they liked back to Y/n. Other times the music would only come from their side, and they only hoped that their taste in music never annoyed the person who was what felt like worlds away from them. 

Lyrics to the song currently being played fell from their lips, as they rolled onto their side and moved to clutch a pillow close to their chest. A small sad smile then adorning their face, as the realisation kicked in that they had yet to meet their soulmate. Y/n let out a sigh, thinking back on how all their friends had met their own soulmates and seemed to be so happy with them. Why was it taking so long for the h/c to meet their own? 

Resting in a similar position, a boy lay with one of his own pillows clutched to his chest while sprawled out on his bed. He also had a similar look of sadness wash over his features as he stared intensely at the wall ahead of him. He allowed himself to eventually close his eyes as the lyrics echoed through his ears from where his soulmate was playing the song. A song he couldn't exactly remember or tell the name to even if he tried to think on it. 

He wondered when he would meet them. He wondered when he would be able to speak to them and hopefully get to know them. His dreams always starred his soulmate as he imagined millions of scenarios which involved how he would meet them. But none of them ever came true. He felt lonely and alone as he watched passing citizens with big smiles as they held hands or just platonically hung out with their soulmates. 

As the lyrics to the song eventually faded away, signalling it had ended. The male waited a few minutes to see if they would play something else, but when nothing else started he only assumed they must have fallen asleep. He took that time to switch the positioning he was laying in and began to prepare to sleep himself, despite him now being lost in thought. If all of his friends had already met theirs, why was it taking so long for him to meet his own? 

Two soulmates separated by two different worlds, hoping for some kind of miracle which could allow them to finally meet each other.

Two soulmates separated by two different worlds, hoping for some kind of miracle which could allow them to finally meet each other

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