"Y/N, everybody keeps telling you to never answer calls from people you don't know." Jihyo started scolding me as I put my phone on airplane mode in order to avoid any more calls.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'll get Yongjin to change my number." I leaned back in my seat and looked out of the window.


The live show wasn't that bad actually. Of course it was work so it was kind of boring but I do work in the entertainment industry so it wasn't soul sucking, I'll give it that. Anyways, onto the funner or even more soul sucking part of my day- depending on my mood, the fansigns. Now, when I was 15-16, did I enjoy having a few grown ass men sit down in front of me and ask me to act like a two year old for them? Absolutely not. But as the years went by, I fortunately started to interact with less creepy people coming to the fansigns. Now the whole aegyo thing, that's a whole self-debate that could go on for an entire hour without stopping.

At the event I was put last in the line and there I sat beside Tzuyu. As the line of fans started to get distributed among the chairs in front of the girls, I tapped my sharpie on the table when I leaned back on my chair. I hummed along with the music as I continued to wait. But when I heard some footsteps behind me, I naturally turned my head around to see two of our managers standing behind me.

"You're not really helping with the laying low thing." I looked up at them, a chuckle escaping my lips.

"Just in case someone tries anything." Yongjin explained and I nodded in response. Moments later, the man who had sat in front of Tzuyu previously now sat in front of me and I smiled softly, looking at him.

"Hello." I bowed as I greeted him and he bowed back.

As they handed me their album, I placed it in front of me before I opened it. I turned the pages to the one where they put a sticky note on it.

"Oh! By the way, in my fanclub, we figured out what restaurant you went to!" He said and I stopped moving for a split second. Now why did they find it in the first place?

"You did?" I asked, calmly grabbing the sharpie  before pulling the cap off and they nodded.

"Yep, some of us went there and tried to get the same order as you but the waiters told us they couldn't remember unfortunately." He frowned and I nodded slowly.

"What about some other restaurants you went to?" I asked in attempts to change the topic.

"We went to another one that you went to years back but it wasn't as good as before." He answered. Of course. Still, I had to find a way out of this topic so I just persisted.

"Ah, I see. Um, what did you like about the comeback?" I asked and finally, he stepped away from the topic. I felt a smile curve up my lips as he started talking about his favourite songs on the album and I actually felt like talking to him. He also praised my work in helping produce and write the album which I was always grateful for. Sure he was a bit much at the start but he was a fan just like the rest of the people in the crowd. Fortunately, he actually respected the fact that I wanted to push away from the topic and he wasn't as persistent on bringing it back up after. When they had left, the next person had come and nothing from the last conversation changed.

Unfortunately, there was another nosy fan but I understood their curiosity, what annoyed me more than the last guy was that they actually persisted on knowing what happened after the vlive. It seemed that the managers too were annoyed by it so Yongjin quickly made the excuse that his time was already up just seconds before it actually would end and that he should move on. Once they left, Yongjin had placed his hand on my shoulder to comfort me and I mouthed a thank you when I turned my head. He nodded at me, pulling his hand away and I sighed after, turning my head back to the front.

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