Chapter 10: That Was Highly Unexpected

Start from the beginning

Maybe it was Dr Denman that planted the virus, and this doesn't have anything to do with the new merman, or maybe they're both linked somehow. There are too many 'maybes' at the moment, we need to start getting some actual answers to things. Coming up with 'What If?s' doesn't help find out what is actually wrong, but the only problem is that no one knows how to get these answers. It's not like we can talk to any of the fish to get information, now that's one power that I wish merpeople could have. Mimi is pretty good with dolphins, and she's trying to see if they know anything today, but no one else can communicate with any other fish.

Now we all have yet another person to keep our secret from, and from what I heard from Rikki, she doesn't care if marine life gets hurt, and she doesn't are about it, unlike Mr Jackson. I think Dr Denman will be a much bigger problem for all of us.

Dr Denman's POV

I came back to Mako recently, but I don't know what brought me back here. It's like something drew me back here, but I don't know what. It's about the time that my daughter should be coming home from school.

I never told people I had a daughter, as her father left us as soon as he found out I was pregnant, and I've never seen him since. It's like he's disappeared from existence, every time I tried to find him, I couldn't. The only time he contacted me since was when I was turned into a mermaid. I received a parcel from him with a note saying, I hope you will use this gift wisely, and I hope you will no longer do the job you currently do, what you're doing isn't fair on all the marine life, and you know it. Marie does too. From her father, Ethan Hartwell. Inside the package was purely money, an amount I couldn't count. I know what her father wanted me to do, he wanted me to quit my job as a marine biologist, and use the money to look after Marie. At first I found it strange how he had all this money, and how he knew where we were, so I moved away from Mako to the Barossa Valley, put the money in storage, quit my job, and raised Marie as well as I could. So far, she's turned out to be a wonderful, polite girl, with an interest in marine biology, but also for the marine life. I don't want her to turn out like I did, I don't want her to be as cruel as I was. I still always remember when I used to take her to my lab when she was a young girl and she'd try to set all the fish free from their tanks. I remember thinking then that she wasn't cut out for the job. Now, I think the opposite.

I kind of hope the mermaids are still here, I want to apologise to them for everything I did all those years ago. I have powers now as well, not many, but my tail is the colour of Cleo, Emma, Rikki, and Bella's and I have both Cleo and Rikki's powers. I want them to see that I'm not who I used to be, and turning into a mermaid changed me for the better. I want to thank them for that. And of course there's Perseus Jackson as well. I don't think he'll still be on Mako, but if he is, then I want to thank him, because it was really him that brought me to my senses and turned me, although it was the moon pool that turned me, not Perseus.

"Mom? I'm back!" I hear Marie shout from the entrance. One other thing, she doesn't know that I'm a mermaid, and I don't want her to find out about that. I want my daughter to have a normal life, without knowing that mermaids (and god knows what else) exist.

I come to meet her at the door, "How was your first day at the new school? Luckily it's only the second week of class, so you won't have much to catch up on."

"Catching up on the work is no problem mom, I can do that just fine, and as to how the day was, everyone was really nice to me, and I think the school is going to be great. They have a marine biology class as well, which was supposed to be for seniors, but the principal, Ms Santos, was really nice and gave me the opportunity to join it."

"That class won't be a problem for you, I'm sure. Did you meet the teacher for it?" I ask her. It's great that they offer that class now, it must be fairly new.

What is it With Mako and Mermaids? (A PJO / Mako Mermaids Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now