Cold Winter's Night

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Hello! Here is the fabulous tendershipping story that I so gloriously promised at the end of the puzzleshipping story!

It may be a bit weird...

This fanfiction will involve tendershipping and bronzeshipping, since those two ships seem to be good friends all round. Marik stays as Marik and Malik is Yami Marik. I'm going to do it in first person, Ryou's P.O.V. Let's see how that works out!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, I merely own the plot and wish to exploit the hell out of it!

I hope you all enjoy x3

--- Kura-chan ---


It was cold on the night I found him.

The wind was howling, and little flurries of snowflakes fell endlessly from the heavens above. I was getting worried. Bakura was usually home by now, slurring his words and falling over. He was a lightweight, that much I knew. He couldn't tolerate that much alcohol; he's lucky I even allow him to drink the thing.

But he wasn't an abusive drunk. That, I was thankful for.

Even so - the drunk Bakura was still a different Bakura entirely. He would be mostly sleepy and grumpy, wanting some soup most of the time. Heck, maybe even a pillow to cuddle. As many times as I offered, though, he refused to me being his pillow. I could tell why; him and his pillow have a very special relationship.

I look up from my book and stare at the clock on the wall. It's almost midnight; where is he? When I said he could go drinking with Malik, I didn't mean stay out this late. I was worried for him, even though he can probably handle himself and would probably die of embarrassment if I actually had to save him, I still worried.

Sighing, I placed the book down on the table beside me and rose from the couch. I guess I did have to go and find him. He would probably be embarrassed as hell, but to heck with it. I care about him, dammit!

I went down the hallway and got my coat as I went. I fingered the fluffy hood and cuffs, smiling slightly. Bakura insisted that we looked 'fashionable' for winter, so he got these fluffy jackets. It was his way of saying, 'I don't want you to catch a cold, and this looks good on you, so wear it'.

Quickly, I shuffled the coat on and then got my snow boots on. Tonight it looked dreadfully cold, and I didn't want to worry Bakura by getting a cold - if he was okay, of course.

I finally exited the house, closing and locking the door behind me. It wouldn't take me long to get to Bakura's favourite pub, it was only around a ten minute walk away. But during this weather, I would be forced to be careful and look for black ice, so probably twenty minutes.

As I walked, my feet crunched with every step. The snow was only about two inches thick, but it was still a frosty night as everything seemed to settle uneasily with quiet ice. Nothing was left untouched; it was almost a literal winter wonderland. Just add some more frost and snow, and we could make it a reality.

I gratefully entered the pub, pulling my hood down and sighing. Not that my hair would've gotten messy anyway, it is a pure white after all.

I let my brown eyes scan the area. I could see Malik clear as day, but I couldn't see a tuff of white hair anywhere near him. Not even on the other side of the bar.

My mind suddenly filled with scenarios as I walked over to Malik.


"Hm...?" He looked at me with glazed eyes. He was pretty drunk.

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