Chapter 6: Simplicity.

Start from the beginning

I moved my Queen over to E5 taking his Pawn and putting him in Checkmate.

He moved her King to F7 taking himself out of Checkmate.

I moved my Queen to H8 taking one of his Rooks.

He passed his turn so I moved my Bishop to C4 putting him in Checkmate.

I said "Checkmate.".

He looked at me in utter disbelief as I collected my three hundred and twenty dollars.

A Few Hours Later*

I made of with about ten thousand dollars and decided to get C2 something.

I wondered on what until I got to a little hat store.

I got her a nice little hat which only cost me about fifty bucks and decided to get her something truly special.

I stopped by her favorite pizza place and asked to see the manager.

She came out and asked "Aw one of my best customers, what can I do for you?"

I said "Yeah I was wondering if you guys had a rewards card program or a card I could put money on."

She said "We do, how much you looking to put on the card.".

I said "Nine thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.".

She looked at me in utter disbelief but handed me a card with the money on it.

She said "Please come again.".

I smiled and said "I will.".

I stopped once I was met with this strange guy on the street.

He said "I'm not strange.".

I mentally asked "Did he just-".

He finished by saying "Read your mind. The answer is yes.".

I said "A bit strange wouldn't you say?".

He laughed and said "Perhaps. I'd like to challenge you to a game of Chess.".

I said "Sounds like a fun and challenging game.".

He said "The names Mao.".

I said "Elizabeth." as we walked to the park nearby.

When we got to a chess board I said he could go first.

He nodded as he moved a Pawn forward to F4.

I began overloading my mind with every signle move I or he could make in this game and it seemed to be effecting him greatly.

I secretly smiled at him leaving his King piece defenseless.

I then made room for my Queen piece by moving a pawn to E6.

I smiled as he was about fall into my trap.

I overloaded his mind with every move he could make until he moved another Pawn to G4.

I moved my queen piece to H4 which basically let me win.

I said "Checkmate.".

He said "How?".

I said "If you didn't reveal your mind reading capabilities to me then this game would've gone a different way.".

He smiled and asked "Can you point me in the direction of the Narita memorial?".

I gave him the directions and we both went on our merry way.

I went Ashford Academy to find C2 but couldn't find her anywhere.

I hummed and just decided to come back later and find her that way.

A Few Days Later*

I still haven't seen C2 in a couple days and was beginning to think she was avoiding me but I was currently busy sword fighting with Cornelia.

I beat her easily and headed out on the town at night.

I heard a few of the Black Knights were looking for Mao and I said "Who could blame them. The guy reads minds".

I stopped by a nearby cemetery to see Genbu Kururugi the last Prime Minister of Japan but found three people there.

Two of them turned to me and one asked "Why are you here Britannian?".

I walked passed them and said "I'm here to see an old friend.".

I walked pass them and over to Genbu's little memorial.

I said "He may have died in that fight seven years ago but I respected him for standing up to the Britannian Empire and respected his sense of self and would not go with the Britannians quietly.".

Their coated friend asked "Did you know him personally?".

I said "No, all I know is that he took care of my older brother and younger sister eight years ago before they died and I'm thankful for his hospitality of them.".

He said "He was an inspiration before his untimely death.".

I said "Yes, indeed he was.".

I soon began to walk away and said "Never forget that he would never surrender even as going as far as to kill himself in order to refuse surrender.".

They must've taken my words to heart when I left.

The Next Day*

The next day, I met up with C2.

I gave her the hat and she really liked is then I gave her the gift card which gave her stars in her eyes as she hugged me and said "Thank you Elizabeth.".

I hugged her back and said "No worries.".

She pulled away and said "I have to go on a trip soon. Sorry for being absent of late.".

I said "It's fine. You have things to do, I do as well. Just be safe.".

She nodded and we went out for Pizza on her.

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