[Season 1 Ep. 03] The Heart Break (Pt.1)

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"Corky, what are you wearing?" Lisa asks me as I close my locker door. "Clothes, Lisa. You know from my closet." She circles me and shakes her head. "I seriously need to raid your closet and throw some stuff away." She says with a laugh. "Hey, you don't go anywhere near my clothes. Do you know how many thrift stores I had to go to in order to get this jacket?" She scoffs. "Honey you should have left that thing there. How about we go shopping later?" She suggests. "Sure, I'll meet you there."

"Hey Corky, how come when ever we suggest to go to your place, you brush it off?" Dang it Lisa's smart enough to notice. "Well, it's just-Hey Slater." I walk over to him from down the hall and he had a big smile on his face. "Hey Mama. Ready for next period?"

"First things first, you need to bring that level ten of cat calling to a zero real quick. And what's got you so smiley for next period?" He rolls his eyes as we walk down the hall together. "There's a class project for social science." I pause as he walks into the room.

My phone jolts twice and I move out of the way and look inside of my book bag to see Tv had sent me two messages.

*Sorry I'm late sending you today's episode!*

*The episode is the mama's and papa's episode, Kelly won't be there, she has...the stomach bug ;)*

"Why are you winking?" I mutter as I shoulder my bag. As I enter the room, I was handed an mesh jersey. "What's this?" I ask Benjamin. "It the assignment. You, Zack, Lisa, Screech, Slater and Jessie were picked."

I look at the jersey and I toss it back. "I'm too young to be married." I tell him. "Mr. Belding picked you. Kelly's name was picked but she's sick, so you were second pick." He hands me the jersey back and take it reluctantly.

Zack walks over to me and he seems to be not his usual self. "Hey Corky. So I'm guessing we're married." I give him a quizzical look. "We are? How so?" He leads me to the black board where there was a paper. Our spouses were picked by alphabetical order.

"Hm, interesting. So I guess we're married. Are you okay with that?" Zack nods and I see a small smile on his face. "Are you?" I go to answer but Mr. Belding enters the room. "Mr. Belding what are you doing here?" Zack asks surprised. "I'm here to marry you."

"Well your not my type." Zack says with a laugh. "Awe come on Zack. Belding would make a cute house wife." I say wiggling my eye brows. "You two are lucky I'm going to let those comments slide. Anyways class, your regular teacher Miss Laurette, eloped last night with the shop teacher. So I'm taking her place." Belding explains.

"Why am I married to Screech?" Lisa asks with her arms crossed. "Yeah and why does Preppie get to be married to Corky?" Slater complains. "You sound jealous Slater. Mad that you didn't get to marry Corky?" Zack says with a sly smile.

"You two are disgusting, Corky is a human being not some object for you two to fight over." Jessie retorts. "You're right, Jessie. Zack keep this up and we're getting a divorce." I tease. "Miss Turtle, all of the couples were matched alphabetically."

"I'm changing my name to Zigowitz." Lisa comments. "Couples, your grade will be determined by how well you communicate and handle life's little differences. Now, do you boys takes these girls to be your school wives?" Belding asks.

"You bet." When Zack said that he was looking directly into my eyes and I felt my face getting hot. I look away and feel Zack lean in. "Do I spy a blushing bride?"

"Shut up, Zack." He smiles and Belding then asks if us girls take the boys as our husbands. "I do." I and Jessie agree. "I don't." Lisa says with a great bit smile. "Lisa, it's only five days." Belding tells her. Lisa rolls her eyes and agrees.

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