Chapter 13: The Kelenging

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The night had been festive to say the least. Clarke had hoped to finish early to practice the sword tricks Lexa had taught her before her mom did the surgery for that bleed she had, but that had not been possible. Hundreds of gifts had been made for them, and generals from all over had questions about them visiting their lands as everyone had been waiting for the bounded one to appear, and of course all the leaders were offering their capitals as honeymoon sites for them to go to, AND plus every single member of the Skaikru wanted to talk to Clarke.

Clarke had been surprised at Octavia and Jasper. Octavia was mad at her for the TonDC thing and Jasper was mad about Maya. She didn't think they would both hug her and be genuinely happy to see her. Talking to Raven had been great, the brunette had healed much after Finn and Wick was good for her. She was also glad to know that Bellamy had changed his mind about fighting in the Kelenging and that both her mom and Kane were in a better place about the marriage.

It is very late by the time they reach Lexa's large house where Abby and Petra are waiting for them.

"I know it's late but I'd like to fix that bleed before the Kelenging," Abby says as they arrive. "I don't want anything to agitate it."

"But will I be able to recover well from surgery to fight tomorrow?"

"Rest assured Clarke that no one will challenge you," Lexa says with a grin.

Clarke turns to her. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," Lexa says with a shrug. "I might have spread a rumor that if anyone dares challenge you for my affection that I would kill them by noon."

Clarke laughs. "Oh my God! And here I am stressing out..."

"A little pressure is good," Lexa says with a teasing grin dodging a swat to her arm. "Petra is here with salve for our burns, and Abby do what you need to do."

Clarke sighs in relief and gently caresses Lexa's face. "Thank you Lex."

Lexa smiles at the nickname and says, "Petra will tend to your burn before surgery."

Clarke nods and follows Petra into the house. Abby mouthes a 'thank you' to Lexa then follows them inside.

The salve is very soothing, a concoction Petra made during her rotation in the Glass Kingdom, and almost instantly after application the burning sensation goes away.

"Amazing," Abby says. "What is in that?"

"Petra doesn't speak," Lexa says. "But she learned and practiced medicine in all 12 nations. She wrote everything she learned in a book, but it's in Trigedasleng, I'll have it translated for you."

"Oh no that's not necessary..."

"It is, her techniques have saved people on the brink of death and so have yours," Lexa says. "Consider it a part of the alliance."

"What is that you're drinking Clarke?" Abby says as the blonde drinks something from a mug Petra handed.

"It's a medicine to put her to sleep for a few hours for you to do the surgery," Lexa says. "And for her not to feel this salve. It will heal the burn quickly and it's quite painful."

"What about you?" Abby says.

"I cannot impair my senses," Lexa says with a small shrug.

"No, Lexa that's not..." Clarke yawns tiredly as she lies back on the bed. "Fair."

Within seconds Clarke is snoring and Abby laughs. "Wow, that's faster than anesthesia."

"Yes, she will feel nothing," Lexa says.

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