Chapter 1: Commander Prorok

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The thing about space is that it's huge – or as Kolt would have said it's 'spacious'. So when Krolia found herself in a small fighter pod, alone in the vastness of space (save for the little kit snuggled warmly in her lap), she knew she was in for a long journey.

Her communications with the Empire fleet had gone surprisingly well, so well that she was nervous they were aware of her deception. Commander Prorok had seemed to accept her word as gospel, but he wasn't very bright after all. Still it had come as a massive relief when she saw the fleet turn and head back the way they came, dozens of fighter pods being recalled to dock. She was one of them, Prorok insisted that she dock and give a more detailed report. If she complied, they would be stuck on this ship for an indeterminate amount of time, something that made her incredibly nervous. But on the other hand, to turn down a direct order would make her seem suspicious and it could bring her testimony about Earth into question.

In the end she decided it was in everyone's best interest if she docked her pod. At least then she could eat, restock, refuel, and clean up. Half-breeds were not warmly welcomed by the Empire and as much as she hated to use that term, she knew that's what Keith was. A half-breed, an impurity to be seen as 'less than' by all pure Galra; it made her sick, the Empire made her sick.

Krolia held her kit in her arms, desperately trying to think of a way to hid him for his own safety, when his little eyes fluttered open. She smiled down at him and he gave a wide yawn before smacking his little lips and blinking owlishly around the cockpit of the tiny pod.

"Mommy?" Was all he said but she knew what he meant. He was confused, waking up to a strange location with strange smells and the lingering salt of her tears in the air. "Daddy?" His little voice asked and he began searching over her shoulder. Her heart broke, fresh tears pricking at her eyes.

"No Keith, no Daddy." She struggled to keep her voice steady; holding back the hitch in her throat as she softly spoke to him. Her hand moved up to pet his hair and he looked back to her.


"Because Daddy had to stay on Earth."


"Because that is Daddy's home."


"Because Daddy is Human, and Humans live on Earth."

"Why?" Ok she wasn't going to get anywhere with this. Rolling her eyes she looked at him and his tiny little smirk, he looked so much like his father in that moment.

"You know what? Someday, when we come back, you can ask him yourself." That seemed to satisfy his curiosity; smiling widely he climbed up the chest plate of her armour and gave her neck a little lick before nuzzling in. Purring away he clutched tightly to the unforgiving armour, there wasn't much for his small hands to clasp but he somehow found a way.

The docking bay came into view and she realized she had been holding her breath. Guiding the pod inside the hangar, Krolia landed it safely and wrapped Keith in her arms, placing the purple kitty over him to hide his more alien features. When the pod opened there were only sentries to greet her. A welcome stroke of luck.

"Take me to the guest quarters; I require freshening up before I am granted a presence with Commander Prorok." Krolia knew how to play these games, she knew he would listen to the sentry's recording of her request and his arrogance would be tickled by her apparent desire to present herself well for him. It also made her sick.

Accepting her request the sentry marched her to a small room on one of the lower levels. Inside she found a single bed, a small desk, and a bathroom attached through a sliding door that was shared between hers and another room. She lay Keith on the bed and pulled the heavy blankets over his head, hiding him once again.

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