Chapter 10, Part Three

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She pulled out her gun when the elevator stopped on C Level, stepping out and running toward the Medical Center. It didn't take long to encounter a group of the Turned, six of them heading to the sounds of combat.

They noticed Raleigh and changed their direction. She shot one twice in the head. Another of the Turned attacked with a metal pipe. It swung at her, knocking the pistol from her hand. Raleigh dodged the second pipe attack and grabbed it, attempting to wrestle the pipe from the infected.

"Everyone you care about is going to die." That threat gave Raleigh the strength to steal the pipe from the Turned and crack it in the side of the head. She stooped down to grab the pistol and fired while it was still recovering from the whack to the head.

The remaining four surrounded her carrying knives. Raleigh shot one on the left in the chest, neck, and head to bring it down. One on the far right slashed her across the shoulder, the dry suit took the damage and protected her underneath.

Raleigh hit it with the pipe, disarming it before shooting its head. The first of the remaining two seized Raleigh's arm after dodging a strike from her pipe. It opened its mouth and vomited the black parasites all over her arm. Raleigh shot the Turned through the mouth, turning her head away as black fluid sprayed onto her. She ended the last with two rounds through the neck and head.

Raleigh kept going, eventually reaching the ruined front entrance to the Medical Center. Pistol at the ready, she entered through the smoke and fire. The bodies were all there, those who were executed, along with the dead mutineers and a few infected.

"Pierce?! Cliff?!" Raleigh proceeded further in. There was no sign of anyone being alive in there now.

In the Security checkpoint, Raleigh found a Stalker crouched over someone. She shot it while she still had the element of surprise and shoved the body aside with her foot to view the victim. It was Avery Wiggins, just infected by the look of it. He stared up at her, with his face stained black, "I will kill you." Raleigh looked away and pulled the trigger.

She walked into the hospital wing. On the floor were several bodies of infected. Someone had put up a good fight in here. Three Turned were dead just inside the door, shot clean through the heads.

Further in, she found a dead Stalker on top of another body. The body beneath was Ybarra, still clutching the pistol in her hand. Her face and neck were stained black, but Raleigh could still make out the hole under her chin. She'd killed one last infected, but not before being turned herself, using her remaining seconds of consciousness to end her life.

In one of the patient rooms, Raleigh saw the patient was dead, shot in the head. The next three occupied rooms were the same, all the patients had been executed. The mutineers, likely unable to escape out the front with the infected in the way, went out the back through the hospital wing, killing everyone along the way for no reason other than they could.

Raleigh left the Medical Center, searching for any sign of her friends, she prayed that they were not dead. Outside, she found herself alone, but she knew it wouldn't stay that way. More infected would be coming. She didn't want to stick around.

Hearing a large number of infected coming her way, Raleigh found a small room to hide in. She hacked the door open quickly and went inside, overriding it again. As she did, she heard the click of a gun. She turned around and found Norton sitting in the corner, aiming at her head. When he realized it was her, his arm quivered and he dropped it.

"You don't look good."

"Can't say that I am. I'm still feeling that dart in my back. Then those fucking nutjobs busted in and started killing people. I barely got away."

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