15 0 2


I opened my eyes and sat up letting out a moan rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I looked around the that Georgie made just for us. The boys were still asleep so I quietly got out of bed I could feel my hair on back and feet as it dragged behind me when I tiptoed and went out of the bedroom, stopped in front of I assumed was Bill's room, knocked on the door but didn't get an answer, so I quietly opened the only not only Bill but also Georgie was cuddled on his bed.

I smiled at the sight and quietly closed the door and went to another door and opened it seeing it was the bathroom, I used the toilet to pee my hair moved itself to the side. After I was done I flushed and went over the sink and washed my hands, turn off the water and dried my hands with a towel that was above the toilet but then I looked up at the mirror, I see my hair slightly towering over me. I looked over the counter and found a cup full of toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Until I see a pair of scissors and grabbed them from the cup, grabbed a small portion of my hair and held the scissors over my hair and cut my hair or least tried too. The scissors sharp ends snapped off as it landed on my hair. I bought over what left of the scissors, I was shocked to see the scissors were broken. I threw it in the trash and started to look for something else until I felt the hair moving I looked back up the mirror and saw it shifting, I tuned into the side and seeing it was turning into a three-strand braid when it got to the end little piece of it tied around the end.

I was a little startled but very happy that my hair wasn't over the place, I heard a noise coming from outside, I poked out of the bathroom looking over the hallway until I heard another noise coming from downstairs, I came out of the bathroom and went down and saw it was the boys; they must have woken up while I was in the bathroom.

"Good Morning, Bev" Mike greeted me and so did the others.

"Good Morning guys," I said to them. Bill and Ben were in the kitchen what it looks like trying to find something for us to eat. While Stan, Mike, Eddie, Richie, and Georgie were in the living room sitting on the couch watching a movie. I walked into the kitchen with Ben and Bill, I stepped next to Bill while looking through the cabinets looking for a cup. 

" your h-h-h-hair..." Bill asked looking at me and my braided hair. I looked back at him waiting for him to say something. 

"Your hair is Beautiful, Beverly," Ben said interrupted. 

"Right...thanks," I smiled at him for the compliment. I went to the refrigerator after grabbing a cup and poured a cup of orange juice. I drank the juice without stopping after I was finished I put the cup in the sink. I went over to one of the duffel bags and grabbed a small bag of chips. And went to the living room and sit on the couch and watch the movie the others. It's been only a few minutes.

"Hey, guys I need to go back to my house and grabbed some clothes," Stanley speaks out. Now that I think about none of us had the idea and stop to grab clothes from our homes. 

"Yeah me too," Eddie said.

"O-o-okay, you g-g-g-guys can get wh-wh-whatever you need to meet b-back in my house by the end of the day," Bill instructed, we all left his house and separated to our homes. I stopped thinking of what happened yesterday and how floated in mid-air. I closed my eyes and concentrate then I felt light, I cracked open my eyes and saw that I was floating again, I jolted up in the air, I giggled of my excitement. 

I flew up to the sky and into the clouds, twirled around the sky and laughed in delight, I can see the whole town from above. I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body, the rush through my veins. But then I remembered what I suppose to do, I stopped what I was doing and flew down to town and flew home and then landed in front of my house door. I opened the door and went upstairs and straight into my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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