Chapter 31- Broken Ignorance

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The sun beat down on your closed resting eyes causing you to turn over with a grumble. Your arm found Brans body and you pulled yourself closer to hold hold him as you both awoke. Brans eyes fluttered open to see you still trying to fight the morning off. This caused a small chuckle to release itself from his lips.

The last few weeks it had been hard for you to sleep. He had figured it would do you some good to finally catch up on some lost time. But, he knew the morning would be short lived. There was bigger things happening now. Things you were both being forced to partake in.

"Don't think about it too much." You whisper in his ear. Bran looked over at you curiously. He wondered how you knew he was thinking at all right now.

"You should sleep more." He urged you. "You need it."

"Your heart is racing." You mumble as you rest your head on his chest. "You're nervous."

"Aren't you?" He asks, already knowing the answer. Your piercing lavender eyes peer up at his as your answer. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your head "it will all be okay." You wished he wouldn't promise you things he couldn't control.

"My Lord." Called a familiar voice from behind the door to Brans room. "The Queen would like to have a word with you." Instantly both your and Brans eyes widened.

"I'm coming." He called back. You shift yourself out of the bed and hastily began to dress. Then you move to bran to do the same and place him in his chair. Once you wheel him over and open the door you are greeted with the dark eyes of Daenerys trusted advisor, Missandei.

"She wishes to only speak to Bran." Was the first words she spoke, looking directing into your eyes. You gave her a harsh look in return.

"If she speaks to him, then she speaks to me also." You growl as you push your way past her. She gives you a cautious look, but offers no argument. It was her Queens job to deal with defiers.

You push bran down the hallway with Missandei following you both closely behind. Once you reach the main hall of Winterfell you take in its horrendous appearance. It was cracking at its core. Windows shattered and walls were missing. In the center of all the thin stand a lone Daenerys.

"You've come." She greeted in a monotone voice. Her back was still facing you as she spoke "I knew you would."

"You've called for us." You remind her.

"I called for Bran." She corrected as she slowly turns around. Her face was pale and her eyes were sinking. She looked very unwell. "But, you two seem to come as a pair now, don't you?" Your heart skipped a beat as she spoke. You began to wonder if she knew more than she was supposed to.

"I am his advisor." You inform her trying to stand tall. She seemed amused by you.

"Advisor." She repeats "I believe only Kings need advisors."

"Not always." You disagree. She let out a soft laugh, as though it was pointless for you to lie to her any longer.

"I'd like to thank you both for defeating the night king in my honor." She continues "Jon told me what you both did." You wanted to laugh at her choice of words, but thought it best to do otherwise.

"It was only our duty."

"Duty." She played with the word in her mouth "duty. What a funny thing for you to say."

"I don't find it that amusing."

"Of course you don't." She took her gaze to the crumbling walls around you all. "What duties does someone like you posses? A Targaryen bastard?"

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