Chapter 10: The Missing Part

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Bran watched the fire reflect in your cold hollow eyes. Your stare was just as empty as it had been since you left Winterfell. Bran wondered if maybe it had always been like that ever since the day you arrived as a child. He wasn't sure how he had missed it. All the sighs that showed you never belonged. How you gazed off into the flames for far too long. As if entranced by it. He saw you lean in close, closer than all those around you, as if you craved it.

The gentle snow was too soft too catch the attention of your hungry eyes. You didn't crave cozy nights wrapped in blankets over hot springs with tea. You wanted real heat. Real fire. Not flames contained in a pit. You wanted to feel it on your skin. In your body. Bran wondered if maybe you would let it consume you if he'd let you. But, he never did. He reached over and grabbed your arm and pulled you back into him. You did not hesitate. There was no point in fighting for such a small flame when you had dreamt of so more the world could never give you.

Sometimes you resented Bran. You didn't like to say it, but sometimes you hated Bran. All of this was so he could become something you didn't understand. You putting your life on hold and in danger for what? So you could die like Jojen? Or maybe serve him for the rest of his days just like Hodor. When would your life have more meaning than just Bran? When could you go where you wanted, and be who you wanted?


As much as you tried to blame it on Bran it was never really Brans fault. He didn't make you who you are. He didn't make you a bastard. In fact the Stark's gave you the best life possible all things considered. Yet, you were never happy. You were never really complete. All because you could never be what you wanted to be. And, all you ever wanted to be was free.

Freedom. Free from this cave. From your bastard name. Free from loneliness. From fear. Free from the cold winter nights and days and they judgement of all you couldn't control about yourself and what you came from. Free from the seven kingdoms and the kings and queen.

You were never taught must about the eastern lands. Master Lumin said that was next years lesson. Now maybe you'll never know what's over there. Besides that that's were the Targaryens are from. And, there are no Kings in the east. Only desert. Only dreams. If you made it out of this cave alive than you would go there too. That way no one can tell you who you are or what to be.

"You're zoning out again." Bran states pulling you away from your thoughts. You sigh slightly.

"Am not." You argue.

"Are too." Bran says. You ignore him and look around to see both Meera and Hodor asleep. You envied them.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" You wondered.

"I'm not tired." Says Bran.

"It's late." You state "you're never up as late as me."

"I'm not tired." Bran repeats.

"Why?" You ask finally looking over into Brans tired eyes. It was obvious he was lying.

"___." Bran whispers softly "the Three Eyed Raven says the Night King knows where I am now that he touched me. He should be here soon, and, when he does get here I need you to do something for me." His words catch you by surprise. You had not talked about the Night King coming since the night he touched Bran. Though, it was obvious you were all panicking. The old man in the free was making Bran train all day to get him prepared.

"What's that?" You ask.

"Forget about me. Save yourself." Bran says sternly.

"I'm here to protect you." You remind him.

"Forget about that, it's not important."

"It kinda is."

"It's not." Bran disagrees again.

"What's gotten into you? You think we're just going to let you die after all this?" You ask him bewildered at his stupidity.

"Hodor and Meera will protect me." Bran states leaving you shocked.

"You want me to leave you, Meera and Hodor behind?" You question with your mouth agape. Brans eyes tell you that he's not joking. "You're an idiot."

"Will you do that for me." Bran begs "please."

"Why?" You finally ask him "why would I abandon you guys?"

"Because I don't want you to die here." Bran says "I don't want you to die like this."

"What about you guys?"

"I don't care about us. I only care for you." You see tears behind to form in Brans eyes. You look back at him speechless and he continues "you never got it did you? You're so smart, yet you never understood."

"Understood what?" You wonder.

"How I feel about you. How much I care for you." Brans heart was beating through his chest. You noticed how nervous and upset he was.

"As I care for you but-"

"No." Bran insists. "The way you looked at Jon and Robb, did you ever notice I was looking at you that same way? The way Jojen looked at you, did you ever see me looking too? That night when he kissed you, did you see how I cried? How I wished it were me?"


"I've tried to tell you in every other way, but you won't listen. And, that's fine. Don't listen then. But, please save yourself. If I can't have you I want you to be able to live the life you've always wanted. It's the only other thing that would make me as happy as having you." Brans tears finally broke and fell from his cheeks to his lap. He ripped his eyes way from yours as a pink tint brushed across his face.

"I didn't know." You say softly "I truly didn't know how you felt, Bran."

"I don't blame you." He says between soft whimpers. "Who could love a cripple?"

"Bran!" You whisper loudly as you grab his cheek and force him to look at you "you think that's what this is about? You really think I think that?"

"Why else would you not notice me?" He asks you.

"I... I." You fumble your words for a moment "I have been very selfish. Only thinking of my own pain. I didn't notice yours. I didn't see you still hurting too."

"Why do you hurt so bad?" Bran asks, the question had been on his mind for ages.

"I wish I knew." You admit "I've always had this emptiness. Like something in me was missing. And the further we travel north the further I feel from finding it. I just have this overwhelming sadness and anxiety. If I could wish it away I could, but, I can't."

"I know what that's like." Bran says "I didn't before, but I do now. I know what it's like to not be complete." Brans face inches toward yours ever so slightly.

"You think legs will complete you?" You ask him. To your surprise he shakes his head.

"I used to. But, lately I've been wondering what would make me happier, and, I've found something I'd want even more." His eyes looked into yours deeply.

"I don't think thats me." You tell him. "How could I make you happy when I'm not compete."

"We could fill each other's holes." Bran practically whispers as he paces his lips against your own. You tense up at the coldness of his mouth, but soon your heat melted into the contrast of his cold. You lean in more causing Bran to fall into his back, but your lips do not disconnect as you fall back with him. Your body's intertwined under all the thick furs surrounding you. The rest of that night had been warmer than the many before it.

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