Chapter 11: A Sacrifice

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Bran wondered every morning if this would be his last. But, as his tired eyes looked down at your sleeping face he knew he'd have it no other way. The grief of dragging all of you up here for him would eat away at his mind every passing moment. He wasn't sure if he'd even be able to live with the blame. Maybe death wouldn't be so bad anymore. At least not for him.

As soon as the Three Eyed Raven called his name he knew he had to leave you again. Possibly for the last time. Or possibly for the next hundred times again. He reached over with your arms still wrapped around him and he grabbed the trunk just in reach of his paralyzed body. As soon as his skin touched the wood he was ripped away from the real world.

He was back at the courtyards of Winterfell. The Three Eyed Raven stood next to him as they both gazed down at a young Ned, Benjen, and Lyanna. Bran liked it here. He wished you could join him. He took a deep breath in and smelled the warm summer air, he knew you missed that smell too.

When Bran had these visions the concept of time escaped him. Everything in the present could not longer affect him. He loved to live in the past. If life was all just a memory and fate had already taken corse then there was no anxiety worrying about tomorrow, because you can't change the past, you can only recall what has already happened.

Bran liked seeing Hodor waddle around in his young body. He liked hearing the young boy speak. Bran wondered if Hodor missed speaking just like Bran missed his legs. He must have. To lose something often taken for granted sometimes means you don't appreciate it till it's already too late. But, in the past it's never too late.

A wide smile etched across his face as Lyanna teased the young Ned. She had stollen his practice sword and was riding around in circles as he chased her. Bran wondered if she lived long enough to truly know how good Ned got at swinging that sword. Bran wondered a lot about Lyanna. She reminded him of you. So full of fire and life. Bran missed that life in your eyes. Just as you missed the fire in your heart.

Bran slowly made his way down the stairs to the lower half of the courtyard, but a sudden change in temperature halted his movements. The side of his face felt the cold damp breeze inside of the cave where his real body remained. Bran looked up to meet the eyes of a worried three eyed raven. The boy had never felt any outside world feelings while he was in his vision. But, the cold subsided, so Bran turned around once more before reaching the dirt ground where Ned and Lyanna continued to play.

"We must go." The Three Eyed Raven warned.

"Why?" Asked Bran sadly "I like it here." Before he could get closer to his father and aunt Bran felt the pinch of coldness once more. He swore he could hear the faint sound of your voice in the distance, but as he looked around he saw nothing but the empty walls of his old home.

"It is time." The old man told him. Brans brown eyes widened as he realized what he meant.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For you to become me." Before bran could speak he was interrupted by a strange sound.

Wake up

Bran heard the winds whisper in his ear. The air had sounded just like you.

Wake up!

The wind was howling desperately. Bran didn't want to wake up now. He had wished he could call back to you and tell you to join him in here, where it is safe.

"Am I ready?" Bran asked in a quiet voice. He wasn't sure if the old man could hear him over the call of the winds.

"No." Answered the man, proving him wrong once again. Bran looked at the man as he seemed to wither away more than he had been before. He watched as the man withered so much he was no more. Thus, leaving Bran alone in the past.

Hold the door

The wind sang. A loud thug behind Bran caused him to turn around suddenly. He saw Hodor laying in the ground struggling for breath. The large boy began to twist and turn as he shook.

"Hold the door!" Shouted the boy "hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door!" Bran looked at him confused as the wind and the boy called out the same thing. He looked around and saw all the guards and his father and aunt looking at the shaking Hodor. He then saw Hodor a mother holding him crying as he continued to call out the same thing over and over again.

Hold the door. Hold the door. Hol the door. Hol door. Hol door. Hol dor. Hol dor. Ho dor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor.

If Brans visions were a way for him to escape the real world, then he no longer had an escape any longer. For, the gods, if they're real, are cruel and unforgiving. He couldn't leave this vision to see what was happening on the outside. He wondered what was worse. Being trapped in here with the half alive boy who would become his sacrifice. Or, to go to present and be faced with you. Your disappointment. Your sadness. He knew that he had let you down once more, and for that, he could never ask for your forgiveness.

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