“When did we order?” Marlow asked, forcing herself to sound the opposite of how she felt. Anxious.

“Ten minutes ago, if that.” Ty glanced away from the TV and towards Marlow. “That hungry?”

She was starving, having only eaten a piece of toast and the smoothie Jax had made for her. But that wasn't why she asked. She asked because the atmosphere of the living room was more than uncomfortable, and if the food were to arrive now, it would save her from suffocating, or, worse, escaping into her room. Eating meant no forced conversation or, again worse, time to think about the man sat next to her who smelt absolutely amazing.

“I'm gonna' make a drink. Does anyone want one?”

“Oo, I'll have a glass of lemonade,” Kira smiled.

Ty waved his hand dismissively, too intrigued by whatever programme was on. Having paid no attention due to thoughts about Jax Ferro's chest, she had no idea.

“You got any beer?” Jax asked.

Ty nodded.

“Lemonade and a beer, got it.”

Before she had the chance to flee, though, Jax stood up. “I'll help,” he said.

“I'm capable,” Marlow retorted.

Kira hid her smirk against Ty's shoulder as Marlow left for the kitchen with an annoyed huff, and Jax followed after, frowning.

“Have I missed something?” Ty whispered, continuing to play with the ends of Kira's brown hair.

“No,” Kira kissed his arm,” everything is fine.”

But fine was foreign to what Marlow was feeling. Her whole reason for using a beverage as the excuse to leave was so she could get some fresh air, a breather, a chance to regain herself. And now that the kitchen was shared with Jax, she couldn't do that.

The sound of the lemonade being poured into the glass seemed to echo. It wasn't a small kitchen, but with just them two, it felt as if it were shrinking.

“You'll regret eating this tomorrow morning,” Jax said, “we both will.”

Marlow placed the bottle back into the fridge, slammed it shut. “Look,” she began, “I agreed to this training thing with a sole purpose to get fit and look nice for my trip to Hawaii. What I didn't agree to, was you telling me which foods I can and can't eat.”

Jax opened his beer and after a big gulp, asked, “Do you know how a personal trainer works?”

“Yes. You train people. Help them get fit.”

“Right,” he nodded, “And to be fit, means eating the right foods. Fried rice and greasy chicken is not in that category.”

Marlow raised her eyebrows. “And beer is?”

“Well, since your brother persuaded me into ordering some Chinese food for myself, I figured I might as well make a night of it. Besides, it's not often I take a day off.”

She watched him carefully. “Every Saturday I treat myself to a Chinese takeaway and a glass of wine. If your rules or whatever you go by can't accept that, then I'll happily quit.”

Jax smiled. “There's no need. I'll just make you work extra hard on Sunday.”


“Yeah,” he nodded,”bright and early.”

Marlow exhaled.

“Unless, you ditch your Saturday night takeaway and I let you have Sunday off.”

It wasn't the least bit tempting, so she mumbled an angry, “no,” and continued to search for the wine she had bought.

“It's on the top shelf of the fridge,” Jax caught her eyes.

She opened it and there it was, her favourite bottle of wine sat on the very top shelf, way out of her reach. And before she had the chance to attempt to reach it, Jax was by her side. His cologne was all she could smell, and his chest was so close to her. She inhaled sharply, took a tiny step back.

“Here,” he caught her eyes once more, placed the wine into her weak hands. “Wouldn't want you to injure yourself.”

“No,” Marlow croaked,” Wouldn't want that.”

Jax stared down at her, smiling slightly. “Your bag of... what did Ty call it? Oh, goodies, yes. Your bag of goodies are in this cupboard here.”

“And I'm going to eat all of it whether you disagree or not. It's my one night to be naughty.”

Wrong choice of word, Marlow!

“Naughty?” Jax asked, amused.

“Pig out, get drunk. You know... that kind of naughty.”

 He grinned at her. A cheeky little grin that hinted he wanted to find out whether Marlow could be other kinds of naughty.

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