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“Why did you stop?” Marlow squeaked, breathless. It was hard to talk with such numb, still tingling lips, but she managed, barely. She had to. Because she wanted more.

“That can't happen again.” He was stern. The words that left his lips made it hard to believe they were, only seconds ago, on hers.

“Of course it can. It's real easy. Look.” She lent up on her tip toes and pressed her lip againt his. Such a gentle brush of mouths, a skim, almost. But it was enough. “See,” she whispered. “Easy.”

“Too easy,” Jax groaned, pulling away. “You don't understand how hard it is for me to pull away. But If I were to not, then I'd have you in my arms and in my bed within seconds.”

He needed to shut up. His speech was meant to put her off, though her eyes only grew more alert. More excited. And her body, well, no explaining were needed, for it were pressed against him. Pushed. He knew she could feel everything.

“It's not good,” he cleared his throat, wishing like hell she wasn't so damn beautiful. It would be easy to turn her down if where were ugly, like a witch, and were short like a knome and her eyes were not as blue as a diamond, but dull and not at all intruiging. Though, they were. And they were staring up at him, full of hope. Full of want. Want of which he could not give her.

“It is,” Marlow mumbled. “So good.”

Jax had to walk away from her, as otherwise he would have cracked. Caved. Well, he had already caved, much to his dismay, but a further cave that would lead him to the bedroom was one he wanted to postpone. “What would Ty say?” he asked. “He would kill me, Marlow, you know that. I've already been threatened because I couldn't stop staring at you in that dress.”

A hint of a smile captured her lips at his admission. “He will get over it.”

“I'm sure he would.” He was running out of escapes. There was nothing else for him to say that would convince her that they were not a good idea. “But it's been nice, having your brother back in my life. I don't want to do anything that would ruin that.”

She raised her eyebrows at him, not believing him for a second. “We're talking like he's going to find out. I'm not going to tell him, and unless you want to – which, clearly you don't – he will never know what's going on between us.”

Jax clenched his jaw. “I need time.”

“For what, exactly?” Marlow asked with the raise of her voice. “To sit around and mope over Natalie? To look back on your relationship that it is no more?”

He caught her eyes. “That's not fair.”

“No, maybe it isn't. But it's also not fair for you to kiss me like that, and then give some bullshit excuse like I need more time. Were you happy with her, Jax? Was your relationship with Natalie alive?”

“Of course I was happy with her,” Jax snarled. “I wouldn't have been with her, otherwise.”

“Really? Because I think you're lying. You told me a few days ago, when we came across that pair of expenisive boots, that there were a few signs she were cheating. I think you ignored them. I think you were so used to the routine of being with her, that you weren't actually bothered about being with her.”

Jax narrowed his eyes at her. “I'm not discussing this with you.”

Defeat clouded her eyes, and he felt shittier by the second, because after all, she had hit the nail on the head. What exactly did he plan to do in order to get over Natalie? Was there anything to get over?

Marlow tried to swallow in hope it would remove the heavy lump in her throat, however it only grew. “I should go,” she muttered. “You know, since you need time.”

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