Chapter 7

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Knowing me, I'm not the type of person who always stays home because of the flu. I have a healthy and strong body that I only experience flu once a year or maybe a decade.


"Are you feeling better now?" My mom asks

"No. It hurts so bad and this one is the worst flu that I ever have"

"It's your fault though"

"I know" It's true because when Zach take me home. I haven't taken a bath for a whole night because of unlimited projects.

"It's a good thing that your class is suspended because of a storm"

"Yeah. It really does"

"Are you sure you can handle yourself alone?"

"I'm sure, mom, no need to stay"

"Okay baby take care"

She kisses my cheeks and waves goodbye and I wait until I hear the door closed.

I go to the living room with my blanket and I lay on the couch while turning the tv on.

"Ugh, my head hurts" and now I regret what I did yesterday.

My favorite film is already starting but I can't focus because my head keeps on throbbing so hard and my body feels so heavy right now.

I feel my phone vibrate on the table, I pick it up and I saw Zach's name—he's calling me.

"Hey," He said


"So, what are you doing?"

"Nothing much, you?"

"Just watching Netflix and doing assignments"

And I accidentally sneeze...what bad timing.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I just woke up, that's why"

" always sneeze when you woke up?" He asks with confusion

"Y-yeah, something like that"

"Do you have any plans?" He asks


"Okay, good" And then he ends the call.


Maybe an hour or so, I hear a knock on the door so I look at the window (safety first) and I saw Zach waving at me.

Oh my gosh...

I open the door and I smile at him

"What are you doing here?"

"Maybe because I was bored and uhh" He touches his nape and not looking too much at me "uhh m-maybe you need help to our a-assignments?"

I giggle "Why are you stuttering so much?"


I open the door wide as he steps inside of my home "Make yourself at home"

He sits on a couch and he gets the remote, "May I?"

I nod and carefully walk to the kitchen, trying to act like I'm okay.

I touch my head because the pain is getting worse.

"uhm, did you have breakfast?" I ask 

"I don't take breakfast,"

"You have to, it's one of the important meals you know"

"Not for me"

I cough and start to take the pan inside the cabinet and I get two eggs and bacon.

I start to cook and I can sense that Zach's looking at me, so I tried my best not to feel like I'm drunk—my mom always told me that whenever I have flu, I look like a drunk person— and I carefully place the eggs and bacon on a plate and I place it on the table.

"Eat," I tell him

"Nah, I'm okay." He said

"Eat Zach Herron" He stands up and sits on the chair as he starts to eat the food.

While me, I lay on the sofa and wrapped myself with a blanket.

And I take a nap.

I feel something on my head. I open my eyes and I realize that my head is resting on Zach's legs, and I also realize that he put a wet towel on my forehead.

I smiled


I slowly sit down and I saw Zach sleeping with an open mouth. I chuckled, "What a cutie".

I look at the time and get my medicines for my flu. 

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