Chapter thirty seven

Start from the beginning

"Your Arm isn't completely healed babe..." I raised an eyebrow... waiting for her to defend her self... she just rolled her eyes and tried to walk past me

I carefully held her arm... I would give anything to have her... all to myself

"How about take out tesoro?" I asked, looking at her eyes made me loose control...

"Pizza pretty please?" She pouted... damn

"Anything for you my love" I kissed her forehead and walked away... before I lost control entirely... I took out my phone to order the pizza when a call came through... uncle Hamza

"Salam! Uncle I have been trying to get a hold of you! And father... is everything okay?"

"Yes, we had some meetings to attend... I just sent you the schedule for tomorrow's flight.. oh and mama just found out and she's probably gonna kill him before tomorrow... I suggest you stir clear of your sister too... she's murderous for not knowing the truth. Goodluck" He said amusingly and dropped the call.

"Everything okay?" I hear Amal ask with concern...

I was about to answer her when the elevator dinged... Jasmine walked in and if she could shoot me.. she would.

Nabeel trailing behind...

"Before you kill me... I can explain..."
I tried but instead of that anger... she just hugged me...

"I know... daddy said not to tell us." She answered softly and my heart melted... I held her... whispering to her, everything is gonna be okay.

Nabeel took her from my arms and I sat Amal close to me... I finally felt better after telling her everything... I hate keeping things from her... and she sweetly understood and even tried to encourage me.

I got a call from father asking to see me and I headed out immediately, well... Amal kinda kicked me out... sometimes I don't know who's side she's on

I drove home in time for magrib and I met my father and all the men heading to the mosque and I followed... he hugged me when he saw me... smiling... happy...

"How are you feeling?" I asked softly..

"Shhh... we talk after prayers son..." he spoke and we walked inside the mosque.

After praying next to my father... I couldn't help but make sujood and thank my creator... for the first time in a very long time.. I felt complete.

We sat at the table to eat... I was talking to my secretary, pushing all my meetings till next week

"I want to discuss something with you." He said seriously and I froze...what's wrong now?
Last time we had a conversation on this table... I walked out on him.

We sat together... uncle Hamza and mama included

"What is it father?" I asked softly... hoping it wasn't something that would break my just found spirit...

"I once again did something without consulting you first... I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me..." he said quietly... looking anywhere but me.

I froze... is this about Salmah once again? I know I can't possibly stand her even for a second... but...
I can't say no to my father... not when he's like this... I would never forgive myself.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Whatever decision you take for me father... I would never break. I accept!" I spoke sternly... looking at my food that is starting to look like rocks.

"Alhamdulillah... you are the best son and all that I prayed for...." he spoke excitedly and I just nodded...

"And I have no doubt that Amal would be the best wife and daughter in-law" i know I didn't just hear that right... my head shot up so fast my eyes went blurry...

"Wh...what?" I asked almost inaudible...

He rolled his eyes with such amusement...

"You know I don't like repeating myself.... but yes you're not hallucinating... I just said Amal."

I stood up... tried to walk up to him... I fell on my his feet

I was short of words... I couldn't believe my new reality.. I was confused, but I dare not say a word... If this was a dream... I didn't want to wake

He stood up and held me up.. he touched my face... smiling like s father that saw his new born child for the first time

"But... what... what about The ki..."
I tried to ask... but my voice was so shaky...

"I wouldn't trade your happiness for anything son... never." I said softly and I just fell in his arms.

"Thank you papa... thank you" I can't remember the last time I called him that... I have always been so formal with him...

"I would do anything for you my son"

My mom weeped while hugging us both... she finally could plan the wedding that I accept to...

I got to learn that the king himself made arrangements for my father to go to Nigeria... then it hit me... Amal doesn't know what's happening!

I got the flight schedules and tickets for everyone and to my utter shock... everyone was going to London with us... we wouldn't dare say no after keeping it from them for this long

I took out my phone as I drove home at 10pm.

"What?" I heard Jason's sarcastic voice and I rolled my eyes

"I need your help... I'm coming over." I said sternly

"About damn time we met! I got shit to say too" he hung up.
Wtf is his problem?

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