chapter 1: Long Time Day Dream

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Word count: 3599

Characters: 14568

Date: 2/7/19

"When can we be bold, I'm werrie of waiting each and every sentury my darling."

"It's unlike you to be so impatient Eve, She wouldn't understand. Even with time what then? What if she doesn't want to live with us forever?"

Even didn't want to say that Adam was right but she knew that he was. That there sweet one wouldn't like the idea of living forever, to never change or get sick. To always be the same.

Yet Eve couldn't take it any longer. She longed to hold their darling with her hands. To touch her while all three of them bare and naked in bed. To be completely and utterly vulnerable with love.

They could see that their lover was still heavily introverted and like to be to themselves. She wasn't much of a person who liked the outside world. That was unless she needed to. She of course had a job at the local dinner. The two immortal lovers could only talk to her that way. Nothing more then small talk. All hellos and the regular conversations between a waiter and her customers. Eve was like a book though, she could be read loud and clear just by one look or tone of her voice, with this Adam knew that Eve wanted more than small talk this time around. He wanted the same but was afraid of how their little one would react to who they really were.

"And yet isn't it better to have loved, to have held, or kiss. Then to have not at all?"

Adam was gentle to comfort Eve in these moments. Kissing the top of her head and rubbing her left arm to snuggle her even closer in their tree. While it wasn't right to stalk. There was no other way to see Y/N, she stayed on the computer most of the time doing heaven knows what really. Most of the time they couldn't see her due to her habit of having her thick velvet blinds drawn. In there hiding spot  they would be able to at least get good glimpses of her.

"I still get fragments of the past. When all three of us first meet. Just last night I had that horrible memory."

"Eve we've talked about this, Please."

"You know that I have no control over what little glimpses of those times I get. Besides, I find that any time spent with her in any way is a way better way then to not at all."

"As always my darling wife you are correct. Yet I know the memory that you recall and it's not a pleasant one..especially when it's the last one of them all. I could never forgive myself for that night."

"At some point you must Adam. There was nothing that we could have done.."

Adam sighed. He could still remember the memory, Yet unlike Eve he remembered it a little too often. Always thinking how he could have changed that day or how if he wasn't such a crowd everything wouldn't be the way it was now. The two lovers stalking outside of her window. And she not even having a clue about it, nore them in general. They lived in London before Detroit, were they all first meet. Adam had to move due to the memories and the pain of it all. Eve decided to move to Tangier. They kept in contact all the while mourning. When Adam found their lover again he was overjoyed and called Eve immidientally to bask once more in their beautiful jem's sent. Sweet red wine with a hint of vanilla. Surprisingly she stayed the same. Even her accent.

"Still, I wonder what took her so long to be reborn. For us to find her again, rather."

"Now you're the one who's not sounding like themselves."

"What forever does thout mean?"

"Don't rush perfection Adam. The song never sounds right when you do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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