Rejoice (Story Canon Finale)

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I just wanted to say that after this chapter I have a bunch more chapters planned and am planning on making a "What if" book where you guys can request stuff like "What would of happened if Luke would have stayed at Josephs compound after he dropped john off?" And things like that. But this story will hold all of the alternate endings.

So without further ado!

One week.

That's how long she has been preparing to confront Joseph. After word got out that Luke had somehow lived, people began losing faith in her.

Three heralds still lived. Not only that, but her nerves were on the fritz, and she was waging a war against herself.

On one hand, she wanted to just end this holy war and arrest Joseph, John, Luke, and Faith. On the second hand, she wanted to just let them have the island that they were on. But it had to happen.

Joseph had to be stopped. She knew this after what he said.


"Andria. My dear, sweet, Andria.

You have killed and slaughter my family. You have stolen parents from children, husbands from wives, children from parents.

And you never gave it a second thought. Did you?

All the senseless slaughter, and did it fill you, or are you still empty. Has your Wrath given you any sense of comfort? You have taken my family from me, so that I may have yours. I will be waiting for you Andria, where it all began.

~Flashback End~

Joseph and his family had her friends. Jerome, Eli, Whitehorse... All of them except Dutch were captured.

Joseph made it clear that he also wanted to end it.

And she was glad. She didn't know if she had the mental strength to even fight this last battle. But it didn't matter what she could do. She had to rescue her friends.

So. Here she was. At the entryway of Joseph's compound, unmoving, frozen, sweating. She had to do this.

Joseph was the bad guy, and it was her job to stop the bad guys. So why did she not want to? Why was the voice in her head telling her she was wrong?

Her heart sputtered as she took that first step into the seemingly empty compound, making her way towards the church, the cursed place where this all started.

Her breaths and footsteps were shaky as she looked around. Something wasn't right, and every fiber of her being was screaming at her to run.

What if Joseph was right? What if she had slaughtered hundreds for no reason? What if she really was wrong, and that God really was leading him?

She hadn't asked for this holy war. She just wanted to do her job. Had she known what happened, she would have just left.

Would she have really? Knowing what the people of Hope County were going through? She wouldn't have just walked away.

But she would have searched for a peaceful solution. One where niether side had to died. Hell, she would have said Yes to John's baptism and atonement if it meant preventing so many pointless deaths.

Her thoughts paused as she stopped in front of that white church. It loomed over her in judgement, as if judging every move. Like the eyes of Joseph's heralds had. Each Judging in their own way.

John's filled with hatred and rage as she left him to die, while still laced with smugness as he smiled in victory as he was right about Andria's sin being Wrath.

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